Just make sure you look into it from the breech and not the muzzle.I thinking maybe I would look into a 20 gauge myself
Admittedly, 20ga ammunition availability, in any 'flavor' has been problematic since Spring 2020. Last summer I was able to score (2) cases of #3 buckshot from my local LGS, and (2) cases of #6 'duck & pheasant' loads from an online supplier. That, along with what I had before COVID, should see me beyond my retirement. I also managed to acquire (8) 10rd mags for my VR82 to aid in feeding it. It us my 'perimeter defense' weapon.My admiration of the two gauges would actually be equal if shell availability were equal.
My cases of #6 are strictly for hunting small game.Here is a related list from Greg Ellifritz FB page. For those not familiar Greg is a vetted national level instructor and retired LEO that runs Active Response Training
He posted a pic of why bird shot is a bad idea.
Active Response Training
Providing Reality-Based Solutions to Resist Criminal Violencewww.activeresponsetraining.net
Early in my LEO years, my department hosted a 'combat shoot'. I was in charge of the SG course. It consisted of (3) 'pepper poppers', set at the 10 o'clock, 12 o'clock and 2 o'clock positions. Ranges varied fron 7yds to 15 yds. Sequence of fire was 10 o'clock, 2 o'clock and 12 o'clock. Start was Low Ready, round chambered, safety OFF. Fastest course of fire won. Ammo was #6 Magnum loads to duplicate 00 recoil impulse. I ran it with an 870 out of the trunk of my LT's car. My fastest time for a run was 1.83 seconds. Pumps *can* be fast.I have a retired state police 870 with a LED light in the forend that holds 6+1 and a side saddle shell holder. The Federal LE 00 Buck with flight control wad shoots a tight pattern. Recoil really isn't bad.
Wasn’t implying anything towards anyone here just sharing what Greg posted as an informational post that I felt was relevant!My cases of #6 are strictly for hunting small game.
I went from a single-shot 20 ga. to a Browning 2000 12 ga. when I was 16. Still have it & picked up a 20 ga. version about 25 yrs ago.At about age 11 I graduated from the single barrel 20 ga. that was my first shotgun to a double barrel 12 gauge. I did not notice a difference in recoil. At 11 years old. My dad has always shot 20s. At least for sporting shotguns. He does have a 12 ga. BPS.
Other than shooting slugs out of a pump gun it's pretty much all the same to me. I don't notice much difference unless you're comparing #9 field loads to 00B or something. I never went in for any recoil devices. Nice rubber butt pad and shoulder the gun correctly and I'm good. That is until I zero'ed a red dot on a KSG25 using slugs. It took 11 shots to zero it. After about the 6th round I really didn't want to shoot it again. I would consider a Limbsaver or some such on that gun, but I just don't shoot slugs through it. That's what I have autos for.