
The “Assault Rifle” Conundrum

I will usually email in to a news organization and correct them on the improper term they publish whenever I see “assault rifle” used.
It’s a rifle.
Assault rifles is not a proper term, even in the military.
Of course I dont get a response or expect them to change, but I like giving them 💩 for being a 💩 reporter.
I will usually email in to a news organization and correct them on the improper term they publish whenever I see “assault rifle” used.
It’s a rifle.
Assault rifles is not a proper term, even in the military.
Of course I dont get a response or expect them to change, but I like giving them 💩 for being a 💩 reporter.
I'd be willing to bet that your emails to them go straight into the cyber trash can without even being read.
I think a lot of people either don't understand or refuse to acknowledge that the end game is citizen disarmament it has nothing to do with curbing "gun violence".

These people are not stupid. They do know how guns work and if they don't they can afford to hire the best researchers in the world to tell them.

They are repeatedly caught lying and faking news stories like the "full semi automatic AR15". The media films themselves illegally transferring Firearms across state lines and nothing is done about it.

They've stated numerous times their intent to ban entire classes of firearms. The latest thing that I've heard is that they want to put semi-automatic firearms on the NFA.

That's the issue that we need to address. That's the issue that we need to make sure that people understand.
Assault rifles is not a proper term, even in the military.
"Assault rifle" actually has a precise definition, but a semiauto AR-15 ain't it.

"Assault rifle" is and always has been primarily a marketing term, invented to sell the idea of a lower-powered rifle to Hitler.

"Assault weapon" is completely a marketing term, dreamed up in the 1980s to sell "tactical-looking" shotguns and handguns as well as rifles to American shooters, many of whom fall into the category of "Mall Ninjas." Nowadays it is still a marketing term, used to sell stupid and gullible sheeple-Americans on the idea that such guns are "weapons of war" and "have no place on our streets."
"Assault rifle" actually has a precise definition, but a semiauto AR-15 ain't it.

"Assault rifle" is and always has been primarily a marketing term, invented to sell the idea of a lower-powered rifle to Hitler.

"Assault weapon" is completely a marketing term, dreamed up in the 1980s to sell "tactical-looking" shotguns and handguns as well as rifles to American shooters, many of whom fall into the category of "Mall Ninjas." Nowadays it is still a marketing term, used to sell stupid and gullible sheeple-Americans on the idea that such guns are "weapons of war" and "have no place on our streets."

Thart's how I remember the 1980's. "Assault Weapon" was a term used freely by and in the gun publishing community.


I live in Illinois and by the looks of our governor he eats with assault forks. I love how they ban something that's been used in under 1% of crime in this state but could care less on all the illegal guns used in crimes every weekend in the city.
Might I suggest not using the term “assault fork” in Illinois or Governor jelly belly will ban them and have us all using sporks.