
The DISPARITY in 5.56 barrels.

They can still be accurate though. What that lack of spin does is simply limit its range considerably before the bullet starts becoming unstable in flight. Thats why its a 100 yrd weapon at max. Longer, heavier bullets out of the new pdw are more likely to lose stability and increase their potential to keyhole at 100-150, maybe sooner depending on velocity.
This is also true when it comes too bullet manufactures as compared too same weight coupled with velocity! I haven't tried any sub ammo with any various barrel lengths to compare bullet actions.
This is also true when it comes too bullet manufactures as compared too same weight coupled with velocity! I haven't tried any sub ammo with any various barrel lengths to compare bullet actions.
I got some links up above that have some very interesting information if you haven’t seen them already. I gotta get a new chronograph soon so I can do some testing.
I got some links up above that have some very interesting information if you haven’t seen them already. I gotta get a new chronograph soon so I can do some testing.
Okay! I was just getting at it's not about accuracy, but key holing issues that is more related too less than 8" barrels. I have heard others having the same problem.
I don’t believe that super short barrels are a good match for heavier, longer bullets in regards to bullet stability. Mainly those in the 75-80gr weight. Lighter bullets tend to fly better with less spin. A good example is the old M16s, and the 1-14 twist rates, later switching to the 1-12 for better long range stability and accuracy.
Not sure exactly. I think its more designed to be a cqb weapon more than anything, as that’s about all its good for.
Key holing against body armor! I'm just going by manufacture's minimum twist/velocity specs. The best thing maybe too do is get a barrel without rifling for cq if stability is not what you are wanting!