
The Dreaded Shooting Low and Left

Same with me as demonstrated with my new Ronin in its first range visit. Mostly left, slightly low. Gotta work on that.
my ronin is considerably lighter than y 1967 colt 1911, 2 complete different shooting characteristics.

shoot low with the ronin, and high right with colt for the first few rounds until my brain reels it in.
ronin makes a day at range with 200-300 rounds a less hammer on old wrist, vice the 1967 colt
found this today online the pdf is a better image with less fuzzy lines

plus this site has a few free printables


  • Correction-Right-Hand (1) (002).pdf
    501.3 KB · Views: 161
This happens to me more with the subcompacts like the Hellcat or p365 I think it's a grip issue with my big hands. Less real estate to hold on to and more recoil seems to cause this for me. It seems like I have to concentrate more on my grip to shoot these guns better, with my Glock 19 it comes more naturally I think because it just fits my hand better and it's not as thin and it's easier to hold on to for me.
Good information here about finger placement on 1911 trigger...

There are some common issues that most people seem to struggle with at one time or another. Shots hitting low left are a very common issue. There are several suggested remedies to fix the issue.

The Dreaded Shooting Low and Left

Also guilty however if you consider the black dots in that picture they are still in vital areas.
Nice tips. I will put a couple of them into practice on Saturday.