rrugercp3o Operator Mar 14, 2021 #1 What a nice semi this gun is. Put 20 rds. thru it and, in my opinion, it really shoots pretty good. Do you like your GSG 1911? Attachments DSCF4638 - Copy.JPG 753.9 KB · Views: 197 WIN_20210314_11_28_02_Pro.jpg 179.5 KB · Views: 193
What a nice semi this gun is. Put 20 rds. thru it and, in my opinion, it really shoots pretty good. Do you like your GSG 1911?
TidalWave Professional Mar 14, 2021 #3 .22s are the most fun you can have. Our outdoor gun club has a whole range just for .22 (and periodically has ‘matches’ for the kids in the summer ). A .22 rifle is prob the best “meat gun” ever for small game. Ruger 10/22 is an enduring favorite.
.22s are the most fun you can have. Our outdoor gun club has a whole range just for .22 (and periodically has ‘matches’ for the kids in the summer ). A .22 rifle is prob the best “meat gun” ever for small game. Ruger 10/22 is an enduring favorite.
gglass Elite Mar 14, 2021 #4 I put more than 40k rounds through mine when they first came to market. If you ask me, I would say they are plenty accurate:
I put more than 40k rounds through mine when they first came to market. If you ask me, I would say they are plenty accurate:
rrugercp3o Operator Mar 14, 2021 #5 Those shots were at 21 ft. It shot that accurately straight out of the box.