Hello all, here is an article for discussion that was previously posted on TheArmoryLife.com. It is titled “The M14 'In Country'” and can be found at https://www.thearmorylife.com/the-m14-in-country/.

Semper Fi. When I joined the Corps after high school in 1976 all we had were M16-A1s. Before the A1 I had grown up shooting Remington bolt actions in 308 and 30-06 so the A1 felt like a toy (still does...I have a Ruger AR556 with Magpul furniture.).First weapon I ever touched in the Marines. In country it was a heavy hitter & Im glad I wasn't around when they replaced them with the "other thing". At 11.4 pounds compared to the M1 9.5 it was heavier. Our selector knob was removed hence the hole. Carried luber plate everywhere. In retro if they would have come up with a stock other then wood it would have been a big improvement, but we never thought about it.Full auto it was tough to control. Never had to hit a target 3 or 4 times to put it down "like that other rifle" Wish I had one now. Remember sitting on a bucket in boot camp field stripping & reassemble. Eyes shut.good thing ! I had a jam one night & had to do a tear down in the dark.
Thank you for your service. And thank you for sharing the information about your gear.I would give my left nut and half a titty to get my hands on an M14 EBR, but I doubt that’s gonna happen anytime soon.
I joined the army, the first time, in December of 1992, so I grew up with the AR15/M16 and love shooting them. I own several. I was also a SAW gunner in Iraq in 04-05, and I’d much rather carry an M14 because the SAW weighs 25 pounds with a 200 round belt. I took all my weapons and gear (body armor, ammo, rucksack etc) and put it on a scale one day after patrol. 110 pounds. It ruined my body, but I’m glad I wasn’t a 240 gunner, because that bitch is almost 30 pounds without ammo.
My point is this- the AR15/M16/M4 are lightweight and you can carry a shitload of ammo for them, but once the range gets beyond 400 yards or so, you definitely want something with more power and range and the M14 is just what the doctor ordered. It’s still relatively heavy, but the extra range and power make it well worth carrying into combat.