
The P226 40th Anniversary

IMO, the P226 should have been the US Service pistol vs. the Beretta 92.

All I have is the 226 look-a-like Arex Zero 1.

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Next thing you're gonna tell me you don't know how to make a Churchill martini and you have no idea the relevance of the year 1066. Some Englishman you are. :(
You need to stop while you’re ahead. Take the small victory and enjoy the moment. William the Conqueror should have had a better publicist. 1000 years later and all anybody talks about is poor King Harold getting an arrow in the eye.
Correct. He introduced Christianity to Denmark.
I was confusing Harold with the other Harald vying for the throne of England. It is interesting though that Scandinavians spell it with an A.

I kinda think the English are the last vestiges of the Vikings. Interestingly my wife, born in Missouri a couple years after me, has more British blood in her than my sister in law who was born in Staleybridge. My sister in law's father was Ukranian. I tell my wife she is a viking. She has the demeanor that's for sure. :)
It’s funny because England is effectively a country of mutts, virtually everyone way back when came from somewhere else, but no one talks about we were originally from Ukraine or Denmark. Everyone’s English. Unless you’ve got Irish in you. That’s a whole different story.
I figure between the 40,000 times Vikings invaded and the Norman conquest it'd pretty much be French and Viking these days. :)