
The Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act

Overturning this law should never have even been a consideration. In fact, it should have never even become a law. There should be absolutely no need for this kind of law in any society built on common sense and logic. No firearm manufacturer, in fact no manufacturer of any legal product should need protection from lawsuits involving the misuse or illegal use of any legal product. Faulty products, dangerous manufacturing practices are a whole other issue, but that's not what this law is involved with.

And any attorney who would bring this kind of frivolous suit against a reputable manufacturer should be dis-barred. And as much as that, any judge who would hear this kind of frivolous suit should likewise be barred from the bench.

I'm so damned tired of all this craziness, lack of common sense, cancel culture, political correctness, etc, etc, etc.
I guess we all need to start suing General Motors, or Chrysler, or Ford, or Toyota, when we have a car accident or get a moving violation.

Or sue Dunkin' Donuts, when we get fat.

All the same thing, right? Results we don't want, self-control is taken out of the equation, so there must be someone else to blame?

Guns kill people, like forks make people fat.
Overturning this law should never have even been a consideration. In fact, it should have never even become a law.
The PLCAA is a perfect example of the danger of unnecessary laws. Tort Law (i.e. civil law) is heavily reliant on causation and culpability. This basically means (1) did the actions of the person being sued directly or indirectly cause the harm; and (2) were they at fault for the harm. As Joe pointed out, we can't sue fork manufacturers for causing heart disease, we can't sue Ford for DWI accidents, and we can't sue Acme Brick when a criminal uses their product to commit and assault. There is no specific law protecting these industries, it is just accepted that the company that made the product played such a tiny role in causing the harm that they can't be held responsible.

When legislators pass any sort of politically-based law, for any political purpose, it makes everyone believe that the particular law is the only reason a person or industry is protected. Gun manufacturers should not be responsible for the misuse of their products simply because that is the way all companies are treated. The PLCAA was never needed in the first place, but now a generation of Americans have been convinced that is the only thing protecting gun manufacturers.

The bottom line is that any law that declares any class of people or companies so special that they need more protection than everyone else is a horrible idea. While they may seem like a good idea when they are passed, these laws will always be subject to manipulation in the future.