
The ‘Race’ to Call 911? What You Should Do When Reporting a Self-Defense Incident

I have learned that immediately after a shooting incident, call 911, give the operator a description of you and your vehicle and your location.
Then, call your lawyer.
When the police come, tell them you defended your life because yours was threatened.
Tell them you want to wait for your lawyer and answer NO further questions or make any statements...they will be used against you in a court of law.
They WILL pester you to talk.
Keep Clam.
NEVER ANSWER A POLICE OFFICER’S QUESTIONS NO MATTER WHAT THE CIRCUMSTANCE, THEY CAN NOT MAKE YOU TALK, If your pulled over ask why you were stopped. Depending on the state give the officer your identification. Say nothing else. Take your citation and fight it in court if your confident you’re not guilty. I say depending on the state because in (Kentucky) IF you’re (driving) by law you have to supply law enforcement with your license, if you’re taking a walk, “walking your dog” and you get asked for identification by law enforcement you are under no obligation to self identify. That’s the law.
KNOW the law in the state you live.
Now in a self defensive situation reread the start of my post and keep your mouth shut until you talk to an attorney.
As a follow up remember that no matter what state you live in you have the right to video record your interaction with law enforcement.
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Know the laws of self defense where you are. If you use force in defense of yourself or others and the person is injured, of course call 911 and get medical assistance. The 911 dispatcher will ask a lot of questions to pass on to responding officers, and everything said is recorded and admissible. Do not have your weapon out when LE arrives. Any excited utterances are admissible. Do not argue with or antagonize responding officers. Be polite and tell them you will be happy to talk to them with your attorney present. They will take your gun. They may even put you in cuffs while they investigate. If you have any inkling that you may use a firearm for defensive purposes, you really should have a legal insurance policy like U.S. Law Shield, U.S. Concealed Carry, NRA, etc. I have a 24/7 number in my wallet to call if needed. Even when you are in the right, defending yourself from an overzealous charge can cost you many thousands in legal fees. One thing to consider. The decision to arrest you for a crime is based upon probable cause. Probable cause is initially determined by responding officers. Some officers responding to shootings will arrive with preconceived notions that may not be in your favor. It is in your best interest to have those notions dispelled as quickly as possible.
Know the laws of self defense where you are. If you use force in defense of yourself or others and the person is injured, of course call 911 and get medical assistance. The 911 dispatcher will ask a lot of questions to pass on to responding officers, and everything said is recorded and admissible. Do not have your weapon out when LE arrives. Any excited utterances are admissible. Do not argue with or antagonize responding officers. Be polite and tell them you will be happy to talk to them with your attorney present. They will take your gun. They may even put you in cuffs while they investigate. If you have any inkling that you may use a firearm for defensive purposes, you really should have a legal insurance policy like U.S. Law Shield, U.S. Concealed Carry, NRA, etc. I have a 24/7 number in my wallet to call if needed. Even when you are in the right, defending yourself from an overzealous charge can cost you many thousands in legal fees. One thing to consider. The decision to arrest you for a crime is based upon probable cause. Probable cause is initially determined by responding officers. Some officers responding to shootings will arrive with preconceived notions that may not be in your favor. It is in your best interest to have those notions dispelled as quickly as possible.
In Washington State, our Leftist Attorney General prohibited the issuance of firearms insurance!
Guilty until proven innocent. That's the way it is in all Leftist regimes.

I suggest establishing a relationship with a criminal defense attorney before you are trying to get one from jail.
You are probably in Vermont. Try to travel out of your state and see what happens.

Nope. I'm in one of the other 18 states that have constitutional carry. Many of which surround me.
Well... good for you!
I'm in one of the remaining 30 (or so) states. So that video, from a former LEO, struck a cord...
Well... good for you!
I'm in one of the remaining 30 (or so) states. So that video, from a former LEO, struck a cord...
No reason to be snarky. I'm not telling people not to get a CCW permit. No more than you are anyway. There's plenty of reasons to get one. None of them apply to me.
It's unnecessary anyway. At least in my state.
One of the confusing things about that You Tube piece is that he is either:
an active LEO,
or a retired LEO.

In either case, he does not need a civilian carry permit. He has access to a far superior carry permit through LEOSA which any LEO should recognize as a permit issued only to former (usually retired but there are exceptions) or current law enforcement. This permit allows carry in NYC and Hawaii if certain procedures are followed.
I do not have to have a ccw either, however I do. I do it for a couple of reasons. #1 reciprocity. While people in my state may as residents carry without a ccw, you must be a resident. I assume other states have much the same laws. #2 I want my elected representatives to know that as a voter I believe in the right to carry enough that I will pay for a permit in order to do so. If they know that 80% of their people believe and exercise that right, they know who butters their bread. Without something to go by, they might be more apt to make poor decisions concerning laws both local and federal.
I live in Washington State.
My elected officials don't care a flip about what one-half of the State wants.
The issue of Concealed Carry permits was forced onto the ballot by a ballot initiative and it passed by such a wide margin, they could not cheat their way out of it.