
The Rock Island Armory STK100

True. I am not one that gets the appeal of metal framed strikers, but if I were I might look at a Kahr or an HK. Doesn't Sig make at least one ?
Yeah; there’s a version of the P320 with a metal frame…there’s also tungsten-infused polymer frame models.

HK did make a metal striker, though; imho, the best striker fired pistol extant: the P7 series.
Yeah; there’s a version of the P320 with a metal frame…there’s also tungsten-infused polymer frame models.

HK did make a metal striker, though; imho, the best striker fired pistol extant: the P7 series.
Oh my one greatest regret in guns was passing up a near perfect NJ State police P7 when the opportunity arose because I was in lust with something else at the time. It was so important I do not even remember what it was...
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Given the worker and parts shortages, and yes explosion in firearm related sales, which naturally will increase warrantee work, that does not sound out of line. These issues are , well pandemic, in every single industry. And yes before someone goes nuts,, I know I used the term incorrectly, but it fit.

I have seen wait times for hand worked items in the 6 month ranges. Heck I waited 4 months for a pair of Altamont jframe grips which in the past I received in a week.

Perhaps instead you should have replied, "thank you" and learned a tad bit of patience.
If it wasn't BRAND NEW , maybe I would not be so upset. BUT, $500 and bad , out of the box sucks.
If it wasn't BRAND NEW , maybe I would not be so upset. BUT, $500 and bad , out of the box sucks.
I am sorry for your misfortune of getting one of the few of any new product with issues. But being so upset over what is really a rather short wait time, thus far, is not doing anyone, including you any good.
Not one of the few, this guy had the same issues too. This was just a poorly executed design and assembly.

And another sign that a company doesn't care much about a produce, was the very " pixilated, " tiny , out of focus manual they give you. Just watch the video, he had all the issues I had.
Well, I suppose if you’re the type swayed by an anonymous git’s video, that’s all we need to know about you…
And how would you tell if any gun would be any good if you couldn't see it perform ? And since your reply is bound to be a continuing run of sarcasm, don't bother. ( oh, and we all know what happened to HansGruber, in the end ? )
All right guys a poster explained his issues on this thread and there's no reason to go back and forth in a negative tone.

We all have different experiences with products and we all have a right to vent about them in a respectful way on this forum.

Please play nice and any comments directed towards another member not related to the thread topic with a negative tone will be removed.
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They mainly have alot of Armscor ammo, but a decent selection of RIA/Armscor firearms. It's surprising folks here don't appreciate the RIA 1911s as much as they should.
Agreed the RIA 1911's have a good reputation for being reliable and well made. I think the lower price compared to other 1911's makes people think they are buying a substandard pistol.
Agreed the RIA 1911's have a good reputation for being reliable and well made. I think the lower price compared to other 1911's makes people think they are buying a substandard pistol.
I figured that too, then I got this turd and then saw others with similar issues and am sorry I jumped at it. I've had much better luck with my Sig, Tiasa , Canik, and even bargain SAR handguns, ALL perform flawless and reliable. This STK100 was a dog right out of the box.
I figured that too, then I got this turd and then saw others with similar issues and am sorry I jumped at it. I've had much better luck with my Sig, Tiasa , Canik, and even bargain SAR handguns, ALL perform flawless and reliable. This STK100 was a dog right out of the box.
I've had a lemon right out the box myself a bunch of years myself.

I bought a brand new Mini-14 which couldn't cycle more than 2-3 rounds before stove piping no matter what ammo I used (6 different brands) so I sent it back to Ruger 3 times before they sent me a new rifle which ended up working perfectly. I was told by someone that worked a Ruger which is relatively local to my area that at that time they had a bad run of Mini-14s with a similar issue and It took a replacement rifle to remedy the issue and now this is one of my favorite guns to shoot.

It's definitely a headache dealing with a product that doesn't work especially when you spend a few hundred on it and I'd recommend don't give up because of the one experience and see if the issue gets fixed and if you're not satisfied I would call the manufacturer and see if you can send it back for a credit to buy a different firearm. It maybe worth a shot just like Ruger did for me.