
The View Wants to Report White Men for Buying Ammo

Unfortunately, I'm certain there are some people, mainly liberal housewives, that never miss an episode. Absolutely no offense intended; my Mother was a housewife through my entire childhood, but she was a conservative Christian stalwart.
I have a sister and B-I-L who watch them anytime they get a chance. They both know those old hags speak only the truth. :censored:(n)🤬
Unfortunately, I'm certain there are some people, mainly liberal housewives, that never miss an episode. Absolutely no offense intended; my Mother was a housewife through my entire childhood, but she was a conservative Christian stalwart.
my late mother was a "soap opera queen"...never missed a show, on what ever network she watched.

my wife would watch Oprah, Ellen, Live with Regis and Kathy Lee, and then a couple of soaps, when she had the time, in between raising the kids.

she stopped watching all those shows, long before any of them went off the air.

for me, when id be home..??

Merv Griffin and Mike Douglas shows.

from what i have been a witness to, that View show can kiss my butt, suck an egg, and die off and i couldn't be any happier.
I remember that at one time gun stores had to maintain a list of those who purchased ammo. Does anyone else?
they do not maintain a "list" here, but we must show our "Blue Card" or carry permit..

i've explained a "Blue Card" quite a few times...here we must read a book on gun safety, then answer a multiple choice questions test...that gets mailed into the state, then if we pass, we get that card, THEN we can purchase guns and ammo legally....i think some states its known as FOID card..???? or almost like it, 'cept no picture on it...only our ccw has our picture.

with out that card, or a carry permit..??

no sale