
They are finally admitting it


Looks like the DNR is finally admitting what a lot of hunters and even homeowners have been saying for a number of years. The cougar is back in Michigan. There have been a ton of sightings and I even saw big cat prints on a deer kill in the Upper which convinced me. This actually makes me happy, it was a natural predator in Michigan until we killed them off.

They are endangered but we have them here. They are called panthers here. They roam over such a large area that we rarely see tham. I encountered one about 10 years ago while cruising timber in my Gator. He just looked at me and turned and strolled into the woods. A biologist told me a panther will kill a yearling deer about every 3 days
Here in KY they DNR says there are NO cougars in the state (but they DO have a number to report sightings😳). A bit over a year ago wife and I were walking the dog one evening and one crossed the driveway about 75 yards in front of us. It was headed toward our neighbor’s house so I called him. Andy said he and another neighbor had seen him the day before down in the woods. Next morning I called DNR on their reporting line. Lady asked what county, I told her and she connected me to the county office. I told the young lady the details (time/date/location) and she she says “we get these reports all the time”. Say What? You get sighting reports of an alpha predator in the state, yet you claim they don’t exist? Your tax $$ at work
Biologists and wildlife conservationists are reluctant to publicly state that populations of these endangered big cats are in your area because livestock ranchers will blame them for taking livestock. Especially if they are trying to manage a comeback. Same thing with wolves and coyotes. When I encountered a panther the wildlife officer I told about it was pretty cagey and I got him to adnit they were trying to keep it quiet.

Often people who don't know the difference will see a bobcat and believe they saw a panther.
DNR here in Illinois also stated that there are none here. That is until a lady in Decatur Illinois recorded one on her phone on the deck looking in the sliding door. It just sat there watching her and her dog, then just casually walked off her deck and ran off. For about a month afterwards they found deer carcasses it had killed. A bunch of farmers got together got a posse going and went out on a bunch of horses trying to flush it out. I just thought to myself, it's doing what it's meant to do killing deer and thinning the herd. No pets were missing, no farm animals nothing but deer.
A month or two ago one of my wildlife magazines had an article where they've spotted some jaguars moving between Texas, Arizona and Mexico. Honestly I think that's a great thing!