
they (NRA) finally get involved

Most of us have the opportunity to 'speak' from both ends.
Where we put our efforts matters!
We complain but what can we do?
We have a cowshit artist for President. He is more worthy of our scorn than Wayne.
Why is he still our 'President'?
Still a proud lifetime NRA member. No, the NRA is far from perfect, and you can't please all the people all the time. As long as I can remember there have been gun owner standing on the outside pissing in. Easier to throw rocks than get involved and try to change what you don't like. Like it or not the NRA is still the largest and most effective 2A org going. Don't believe it, then why is every anti-gunner going after the NRA first last and always. Too bad the NRA has to guard it's back from "friends". As for WLP. he should resign for the good of the org. Right or wrong, just or unjust, "the buck stops here" do the right thing and resign. HOWEVER, remember that all this crap started with Olivar North who knows a thing or two about misappropriation of funds. Anyone remember "Iran-Contra" and the taxpayers $ that improved the security of the private residents of a USMC Lt Col. that at that time no one had ever heard of. JMHO two old farts in a peeing contest that dose nothing but hurt the org. Need their heads banged together told to go to their separate corners sit down and be quiet. Everyone here I may not like or agree with what you're saying But I will defend you for doing so. The ones that really twist my tail are the "gun scribes", "pro-gun media" and "industry professionals" that run around going " if you knew what I know" or I've been told by people inside the NRA" OKAY COME OF IT TELL US. PUT UP OR SHUT UP.
The NRA now is nothing like the NRA of old, I was a member for over 30 years, then I quit……when this NRA and it’s board members correct the problems that still exit, I will once again become a member. Another reason the NRA is having issues is once your weakened, everybody piles on you, my opinion, once NY went after them, all went after them, one day hopefully they NRA will come out back on top like the great organization it once was.
Right. You would know this how ?
I said, "I think." Remember Maria Boutina, the Russian spy who infiltrated the NRA and used that connection to meet a bunch of Congresspersons? And that year, the NRA had an unexpected 100 million and gave—by far—the most election donations they've ever made. So I tried to figure out how they would clean that much money and that's what I came up with—funneling it (on the books) through dead lifetime members.
Still a proud lifetime NRA member. No, the NRA is far from perfect, and you can't please all the people all the time. As long as I can remember there have been gun owner standing on the outside pissing in. Easier to throw rocks than get involved and try to change what you don't like. Like it or not the NRA is still the largest and most effective 2A org going. Don't believe it, then why is every anti-gunner going after the NRA first last and always. Too bad the NRA has to guard it's back from "friends". As for WLP. he should resign for the good of the org. Right or wrong, just or unjust, "the buck stops here" do the right thing and resign. HOWEVER, remember that all this crap started with Olivar North who knows a thing or two about misappropriation of funds. Anyone remember "Iran-Contra" and the taxpayers $ that improved the security of the private residents of a USMC Lt Col. that at that time no one had ever heard of. JMHO two old farts in a peeing contest that dose nothing but hurt the org. Need their heads banged together told to go to their separate corners sit down and be quiet. Everyone here I may not like or agree with what you're saying But I will defend you for doing so. The ones that really twist my tail are the "gun scribes", "pro-gun media" and "industry professionals" that run around going " if you knew what I know" or I've been told by people inside the NRA" OKAY COME OF IT TELL US. PUT UP OR SHUT UP.
I don't think you can infer size by enemies. NSSF is far more consequinental