
this is why even i hate truckers now

I have said that many times.

If you saw the amount of costs associated with enforcing MJ sentencing it’s crazy. I retired from DOJ and saw a ton of inmates doing 30 years for non violent MJ possession or selling. Crazy. And when I was a municipal LEO I NEVER responded to a domestic or vehicle crash where MJ alone was there. Alcohol and harder stuff or prescription drug misuse all the time.
It's the same as when we call out for blaming the gun instead of the shooter. It's people's behavior whether they're sober or not at the time. We as a society just somehow don't force the issue ... and it happens again, and again, and again!

Agree! I saw a report earlier today at an office waiting room, but only got a quick look at it so no real details. But if I understood it correctly, the DA said that the driver of the truck is claiming he fell asleep at the wheel. According to the DA, if that's the case and proven, it's likely he won't be convicted of anything serious since it's not illegal to fall asleep. Even though he had admitted to using MJ and Cocaine during the past 12 hours. I'm hoping there was more to it than that, but that's all I had time to read.

I was a Class 1 driver for many years in an early career. Driving "impaired" is illegal whether it be from alcohol, prescription drugs, illegal drugs, legal drugs, whatever. Fatigue is an impairment and the driver should be held accountable and liable.

Thank you for your indulgence,

It's the same as when we call out for blaming the gun instead of the shooter. It's people's behavior whether they're sober or not at the time. We as a society just somehow don't force the issue ... and it happens again, and again, and again!
I get what you are saying but in this case different. If a person is evil a gun pipe knife fists don’t matter they do what they do.

I have never had to fight anyone on MJ alone. I have fought (or they wanted to fight) wjem under the influence of alcohol, harder drugs spice K2 etc was my point. Same as driving never had one using simply MJ (not saying they should drive I’ve never seen that alone at any acxidents) but everything else I’ve seen some bad crashing

People just can’t moderate anything from time on electronic devices to sex to alcohol and drugs to food (I’ll omit guns as that’s why we are here LOL)
I was a heavy truck mechanic late 80s into the 90s before I discovered heavy equipment.
In the beginning it was a good living. Responsible, professional truck drivers saw to it. If you pointed out legitimate concerns, they would approve it almost without hesitation. Then we started taking in refugees from everywhere. Middle East, Africa, India East European Haiti, you name it. They don't approve maintenance, only breakdown repairs, and only enough to make it function again.
They laugh at us openly if you have a translator. The policies in place to protect them, their tax exemptions, everything. And when the free ride runs out, they sell the "business " to a relative to start the process all over again.
So yeah, the tail wags the dog