Karina's Law” has passed both the Illinois House, 80-33-0, and the Illinois Senate, 43-10-0. Remember, it would have taken only 60 votes in the House and 30 votes in the Senate to pass. This bill will now, undoubtedly, be signed by the Governor. The bill that was passed was not the original “Karina's Law” bill, SB2633. The bill that was actually passed was HB4144 FA Number 2. The designation FA Number 2 means the “Floor Amendment Number 2”.
HB4144 was originally a water supply disruption bill that had passed the Illinois House and was sent to the Illinois Senate. While in the Illinois Senate, all the language was stripped out of the bill and replaced with language from “Karina's Law”. HB4144 FA#2 then became the new “Karina's Law” bill.
The bill passed in the Illinois Senate and was then returned to the House. Even though the meaning and intent was different, all the House had to do was take a concurrence vote to pass it. The confusing part of all of this is that the title stating that it was a water disruption bill stayed the same. I had several calls stating that it was the original water disruption bill, but it was not. You have to check the last amendment to the bill. The bill will now go to the Governor for his signature.
The ISRA believes this bill does not meet the constitutional requirement found in a recent Supreme Court of the United States decision in the United States v Rahimi case, which requires a hearing with a defendant present. “Karina's Law” only requires an ex parte hearing, which means the defendant, most likely, never knows that they have a hearing. This, of course, opens a way for accusations to be brought by vindictive petitioners and unscrupulous attorneys against the person who may have done nothing wrong.
Another problem with this bill is that if a search warrant is issued and the police come and seize the defendant's firearms. The police department is not liable for the damage that may be done to very expensive or collectible firearms.
Anti-gun forces applied maximum pressure using their unlimited funds which enabled them to hire 13 lobbyists, or more, to push this bill through. This is a vindictive bill with which to attack all law-abiding gun owners.
The murder of Karina Gonzalez and her daughter was a tragedy. Karina had an order of protection against her husband which he violated. The police were called to Karina's home and the husband was there, in violation of this protective order. The police did not check the LEADS system and take him into custody, which they should have done. The husband then returned and murdered Karina and her daughter. Once again, we have another law piled on the backs of gun owners because the system once again failed.
HB4144 was originally a water supply disruption bill that had passed the Illinois House and was sent to the Illinois Senate. While in the Illinois Senate, all the language was stripped out of the bill and replaced with language from “Karina's Law”. HB4144 FA#2 then became the new “Karina's Law” bill.
The bill passed in the Illinois Senate and was then returned to the House. Even though the meaning and intent was different, all the House had to do was take a concurrence vote to pass it. The confusing part of all of this is that the title stating that it was a water disruption bill stayed the same. I had several calls stating that it was the original water disruption bill, but it was not. You have to check the last amendment to the bill. The bill will now go to the Governor for his signature.
The ISRA believes this bill does not meet the constitutional requirement found in a recent Supreme Court of the United States decision in the United States v Rahimi case, which requires a hearing with a defendant present. “Karina's Law” only requires an ex parte hearing, which means the defendant, most likely, never knows that they have a hearing. This, of course, opens a way for accusations to be brought by vindictive petitioners and unscrupulous attorneys against the person who may have done nothing wrong.
Another problem with this bill is that if a search warrant is issued and the police come and seize the defendant's firearms. The police department is not liable for the damage that may be done to very expensive or collectible firearms.
Anti-gun forces applied maximum pressure using their unlimited funds which enabled them to hire 13 lobbyists, or more, to push this bill through. This is a vindictive bill with which to attack all law-abiding gun owners.
The murder of Karina Gonzalez and her daughter was a tragedy. Karina had an order of protection against her husband which he violated. The police were called to Karina's home and the husband was there, in violation of this protective order. The police did not check the LEADS system and take him into custody, which they should have done. The husband then returned and murdered Karina and her daughter. Once again, we have another law piled on the backs of gun owners because the system once again failed.
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