Remember it’s a
public health emergency …they need an executive order to
Flatten the Curve
for example…
IL’s gov JB used his executive emergency order privilege
38 times times to extend the face diaper wearing rules, extended free money handouts, padded the pockets of donors with programs, pop up free shot clinics, testings, and outreach services, all fraught with corruption and theft. Understand this - when a State creates a health emergency the State can claim Fed FEMA funds. Same applying to his gun seizing schemes.…’challenge my authority in court, the one that I funded’ in the meanwhile he doles out money to third party vendors with no accountability.
So NMx is merely inserting the tyrannic authority vested by the their state constitution. Just as it did for the pandemic lockdowns, also a three year ordeal like IL. It’s probably the start of more restrictions and taxes on firearms/ammo, and the 30 days will last for months with unlawful extensions winding up in court sometime next year.
NM is getting into the Fed gubmint handout bidness‘ again, no pandemic money coming in so time to create new programs, enlist more nongovernmental nonprofits to organize for political superiority - Chicago style.
In case you missed it….
The following excerpt from the news conference with the reporter was epic. Proves that NM gov is an imbecile;
Reporter: Wait a minute, you’re talking about crimes. There are already laws against the crime.
Grisham: But again, if I’m unsafe, who’s standing up for that right? If this crime is so out of control, somebody should do something. I’m doing as much as I know to do.
Reporter: Madam Governor, do you really think that criminals are going to hear this message and not carry a gun in Albuquerque on the streets for 30 days?
Grisham: No.