
Thoughts on Assange ?


I’m conflicted. In reality I have no objection to bringing the illegal and unconstitutional actions of the CIA, FBI and other government agencies to light.

On the other hand I have a problem with a US soldier handing top secret government information out to hackers. Chuck Manning was a US soldier and citizen. Assange is neither. And frankly outside of murder or certain other serious crimes I’m not in favor of the US ( or any country) cajoling other countries into turning over non citizens for prosecution.

In a general way I support Wikileaks and anyone striving to hold governments accountable for their shady BS. OpSec stuff, troop deployments or foreign policy strategies on the other hand not so much.

What say you ?
The short of it: Bradley Manning, Assange, and Edward Snowden are all part of a ring of espionage agents. I agree with exposing these other traitorous a$$ hats in our own gov't and there my sympathy ends. I'll try and sum up:

- Manning: *(Full disclosure: I have seen the files Manning was privy to) Young, inexperienced, MI soldier with access to diplomatic files in addition to military operations. The military in Iraq was placed in to a position of doing nation building things with cross info with the State Department. No 20 year old should have access to State Dept cables where they routinely call foreign counterparts names amongst other things a young guy couldn't put into context. But it's his fault and the Army in this case had no control system for this info because they had no mission priorities. Manning got swift justice as should be, and the public largely agreed unlike...

- Snowden. A contractor employee working as an IT guy at PACOM HQs. If there is one sure way to bamboozle everyone, it's to get the right to defend his actions because he exposed the shenanigans of the intel community which, BTW had already been done in a legal manner by William Binney. So, Snowden walks in to a secured facility with thumb drives, a big no-no, copies intel files, steals laptops, connects with Assange and then defects to Putin's Russia. No one could see him except Dad, who also worked at the NSA in a previous life. More connections? Snowden and his girl friend Lindsey grew up withing a stone's throw from NSA. Miraculously, she was also in HI, miracle #2, she was allowed to enter Russia and marry Snowden. And now we get to the Russo-Ukraine war and does anyone wonder what data Putin has from Snowden. Speaking of Ukraine..

- Now we get to Jack Teixeira, former airman who published tactical overlays of Ukraine military ops and Russian unit locations. According to those diagrams (open source now) they were based on assessments from several sources including Human Intelligence. Who in our field sources suffered for this? Jack got 16 years in prison - good. But don't worry, Marjorie Taylor Greene stepped up and defended him because he is "anti-war." Sure, that's why he joined the ANG, right? That is pure idiocy.

We have legitimate concerns about these agencies and there actions against the people they are supposed to protect. It all stems from incompetence, deliberate and illegal actions, and flat having to much time on their hands. If conservative pols really want to help solve these problems then stand up, be counted and cut their damn budgets. It's one of the few things they understand. Then proceed from there. Weed out all the traitors.

Thanks for your consideration.
The short of it: Bradley Manning, Assange, and Edward Snowden are all part of a ring of espionage agents. I agree with exposing these other traitorous a$$ hats in our own gov't and there my sympathy ends. I'll try and sum up:

- Manning: *(Full disclosure: I have seen the files Manning was privy to) Young, inexperienced, MI soldier with access to diplomatic files in addition to military operations. The military in Iraq was placed in to a position of doing nation building things with cross info with the State Department. No 20 year old should have access to State Dept cables where they routinely call foreign counterparts names amongst other things a young guy couldn't put into context. But it's his fault and the Army in this case had no control system for this info because they had no mission priorities. Manning got swift justice as should be, and the public largely agreed unlike...

- Snowden. A contractor employee working as an IT guy at PACOM HQs. If there is one sure way to bamboozle everyone, it's to get the right to defend his actions because he exposed the shenanigans of the intel community which, BTW had already been done in a legal manner by William Binney. So, Snowden walks in to a secured facility with thumb drives, a big no-no, copies intel files, steals laptops, connects with Assange and then defects to Putin's Russia. No one could see him except Dad, who also worked at the NSA in a previous life. More connections? Snowden and his girl friend Lindsey grew up withing a stone's throw from NSA. Miraculously, she was also in HI, miracle #2, she was allowed to enter Russia and marry Snowden. And now we get to the Russo-Ukraine war and does anyone wonder what data Putin has from Snowden. Speaking of Ukraine..

- Now we get to Jack Teixeira, former airman who published tactical overlays of Ukraine military ops and Russian unit locations. According to those diagrams (open source now) they were based on assessments from several sources including Human Intelligence. Who in our field sources suffered for this? Jack got 16 years in prison - good. But don't worry, Marjorie Taylor Greene stepped up and defended him because he is "anti-war." Sure, that's why he joined the ANG, right? That is pure idiocy.

We have legitimate concerns about these agencies and there actions against the people they are supposed to protect. It all stems from incompetence, deliberate and illegal actions, and flat having to much time on their hands. If conservative pols really want to help solve these problems then stand up, be counted and cut their damn budgets. It's one of the few things they understand. Then proceed from there. Weed out all the traitors.

Thanks for your consideration.
Conservative pols, or at least republican pols, are just as complicit.
Personally I have a problem with any outside "contractors" having ANY access to any and all top secret or sensitive information at all.
They are filling an ever expanding workload based on "nice to have" requirements by the military and civilian leadership. It is a bloated and rudderless community which is designed to enrich gov't and corporate coffers, and has little to do with national security priorities.
I’m conflicted. In reality I have no objection to bringing the illegal and unconstitutional actions of the CIA, FBI and other government agencies to light.

On the other hand I have a problem with a US soldier handing top secret government information out to hackers. Chuck Manning was a US soldier and citizen. Assange is neither. And frankly outside of murder or certain other serious crimes I’m not in favor of the US ( or any country) cajoling other countries into turning over non citizens for prosecution.

In a general way I support Wikileaks and anyone striving to hold governments accountable for their shady BS. OpSec stuff, troop deployments or foreign policy strategies on the other hand not so much.

What say you ?
well personally i believe, "you sell secrets, post secrets, trade secrets, or anything else related to the security of the USA, you gotta get the firing squad."

i don't give a damn, who you are.......what country you are from, or anything else.

i'd really would like to see anyone do that in a communist country.........and how they end up.

you wanna do something like that..??

then GTFO of America.
well personally i believe, "you sell secrets, post secrets, trade secrets, or anything else related to the security of the USA, you gotta get the firing squad."

i don't give a damn, who you are.......what country you are from, or anything else.

i'd really would like to see anyone do that in a communist country.........and how they end up.

you wanna do something like that..??

then GTFO of America.
In other words allow the government to implement as many illegal spying operations on US citizens and other shady BS as they want with impunity ?

Also, Assange wasn’t in America. And all he did was publish classified docs someone sent to him. As far as I know, none of which was actually very related to the security of the US. Maybe the security of sone corrupt government operators.
In other words allow the government to implement as many illegal spying operations on US citizens and other shady BS as they want with impunity ?

Also, Assange wasn’t in America. And all he did was publish classified docs someone sent to him. As far as I know, none of which was actually very related to the security of the US. Maybe the security of sone corrupt government operators.
why would the government "spy" on Americans for no apparent reason?

to me, that tells me, the government "suspects" wrong doing by the individual or group they are "spying" on.

information must have been gathered by informants, video, audio, witnesses, of the possible wrong doing(s)

if nothing materializes, then cut off the "spying" and move on to the next possible threat.

this ass clown, came to mind, as i was typing this

i believe that LEO should have kept a closer eye..."spy" on him, maybe that would have prevented babies being killed....

then again, maybe not......who knows.
Assange was not a spy. He is a hacker. IMO not the same thing as Manning, who is a US citizen.

Does the US allow US citizens who spied on Russia to be extradited to Russia to stand trial ?
Assange was more than a hacker. He was a go between for Manning and Snowden. Specifically Manning was communicating with Assange to figure out how to download the files and then send them to Assange. IMO, Assange was an electronic handler for certainly Manning, and a conduit for Snowden. Manning and Teixeira being military the wheels of justice turned pretty quickly. Snowden and Assange likely have a lot of leverage against the powers that be so I think their future is will continue to be not sitting in a prison somewhere. I do wish Snowden all the worst though and hope he and Lindsey have a grand old time in Putin's Russia.
Prior to about 2015, I would agree 100% with Talyn. Now that I know what ALL levels of our government is willing to do to us, and what things they do and hide from us, I tend to think we could use more people exposing our government for what it has become. Funny how this coincides with our MSM no longer acting the part of watchdog over government. That was a very important function of the media not long ago...that function has been abandoned.