
Thoughts on Assange ?

Prior to about 2015, I would agree 100% with Talyn. Now that I know what ALL levels of our government is willing to do to us, and what things they do and hide from us, I tend to think we could use more people exposing our government for what it has become. Funny how this coincides with our MSM no longer acting the part of watchdog over government. That was a very important function of the media not long ago...that function has been abandoned.
There's a lot here to consider! I have no sympathy for a spy, a hacker, or anyone else who would intentionally harm this country. There are many ways to divulge information one might have involving the illegal activities of the government without making it available to our enemies. That's not the path Assange, Snowden, nor Manning took for their own various reasons. I also have no sympathy for the MSM which has totally abandoned its first and foremost responsibility ... that is to 'report all the news that is news', regardless of who might look bad because of it. Just this one man's opinion!