I say we just have some Apaches patrol the border. If fired upon, retaliate with extreme prejudice.
Bunker Buster, pshaw. MOAB all the way. Each one should completely level a Cartel compound to a depth of about 100 yards.Yep, time for some bunker busters. Time to test out the new rifles and high pressure ammo.
The only way to fix stupidity is death.
I know a guy.I like the way it was put recently, “they turned over the rock”. You know what lives under rocks, don’t ya?![]()
moabs are the cats knees and bees meowBunker Buster, pshaw. MOAB all the way. Each one should completely level a Cartel compound to a depth of about 100 yards.
“The MOAB is the most powerful conventional bomb ever used in combat as measured by the weight of its explosive material. The explosive yield is comparable to that of the smallest tactical nuclear weapons, such as the Cold War-era American M-388 projectile fired by the portable Davy Crockett recoilless gun.”