
Time to take the gloves off.

Hopefully coming soon to a cartel lookout/drone location on the south-side of the border.

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I get a kick out of those talking about how “bad” those clowns in the cartels are. They are bullies and “bad” to each other and the gangbangers. Against a modern military? Not so tough. Send an A team or seal team in to direct fire, park a B52 full of cruise misses at 40,000 ft 100 miles away and watch what happens😏 (or an AC130, or an A-10). I hope the Donald send ‘em all to hell where they belong. My person choice would be to capture them alive and feed ‘em a few grams of fentanyl each, but then I have an attitude about feral two legged animals.
Yep, time for some bunker busters. Time to test out the new rifles and high pressure ammo.
The only way to fix stupidity is death.
Bunker Buster, pshaw. MOAB all the way. Each one should completely level a Cartel compound to a depth of about 100 yards.

“The MOAB is the most powerful conventional bomb ever used in combat as measured by the weight of its explosive material. The explosive yield is comparable to that of the smallest tactical nuclear weapons, such as the Cold War-era American M-388 projectile fired by the portable Davy Crockett recoilless gun.”
Bunker Buster, pshaw. MOAB all the way. Each one should completely level a Cartel compound to a depth of about 100 yards.

“The MOAB is the most powerful conventional bomb ever used in combat as measured by the weight of its explosive material. The explosive yield is comparable to that of the smallest tactical nuclear weapons, such as the Cold War-era American M-388 projectile fired by the portable Davy Crockett recoilless gun.”
moabs are the cats knees and bees meow
i was in florida when they tested one off the coast in the gulf, we were nearly 80 miles away at another locale and it shook the building
granted the sand transmits the waves pretty good
but it was AMAZING