
Tips & Techniques for Safe Handgun Holstering

I don’t get the folks who are looking around, downrange, etc, and nonchalantly stuff their guns back into their holsters.

Always look it in. Make sure of no obstructions...and this is why I like hammer-fired pistols, because I can put my thumb on the hammer and if I feel ANY movement, stop immediately and reassess...

You’ve got all the time in the world to get it right..never heard of a “speed re-holster” competition, though...
The only time one should reholster is when the threat is eliminated and the scene is safe. At that point, one should know his or her equipment enough to reholster safely. Agree with @HansGruber, it's not a race to reholster. Never cant the firearm inward towards yourself and guide the weapon in the holster with the nose of the firearm. Always reholster straight in with finger off the trigger... With a fresh fully loaded mag of course 😉.