
Too Much Gun for Home Defense?

Remember if a stray round fired by YOU hits and kills a bystander in the home next door even if your protecting yourself you can be held liable and arrested and jailed and even imprisoned. I recomend Frangible bullets in the AR-15 if that's your choice for home defense weapon.
Once again I'm reminded how lucky I am. To hit my neighbor a bullet would have to travel about 1/2 a mile dodging a whole forest of trees. Cloud happen I suppose, then I might win the lottery, the moment I get struck by lightning, as I flap my ears while flying to the moon.
Over penetration stray rounds etc. all well and good to consider BEFORE THE FACT. JMHO, don't get so hung-up over it that it enters your head when poo hits the fan. Deal with the trouble at hand and cross all those other bridges when you get to them. YMMV
I'm a democrat and I have a XDM 10mm loaded with full house 180 grain hollowpoints ready for anyone that tries to come through my door. If that's not enough I assume the .460 S&W I'm about to pick up will be. Lord help me and everyone else if I have to pull out the AR10 :)
I'm sorry but you're an anomaly in today's world.
Most of my uncles were Democrats too, carried guns, hunted and trapped and went to church on Sunday. Most of today's Democrats hate firearms, can't even figure out what sex they are or think men can have babies.
I'm like John Wick who fires until empty and then picks up another fully load firearm to continue the fight. I normally don't have to get physical and wrestle anyone to get the next loaded firearm (well, maybe from a pillow or two here and there), as I have several different firearms stashed around the bedroom. :p:p:p
Normally? How often does this happen,might consider a move lol.
Once again I'm reminded how lucky I am. To hit my neighbor a bullet would have to travel about 1/2 a mile dodging a whole forest of trees. Cloud happen I suppose, then I might win the lottery, the moment I get struck by lightning, as I flap my ears while flying to the moon.
Over penetration stray rounds etc. all well and good to consider BEFORE THE FACT. JMHO, don't get so hung-up over it that it enters your head when poo hits the fan. Deal with the trouble at hand and cross all those other bridges when you get to them. YMMV
I'd like to see stats on how often this happens. Outside of apartment buildings my guess is almost never. Nevertheless it is a hot topic for gun writers bloviating about which guns or ammo to use for HD.
Not the best choice available. That goes to SBR, handgun and shotgun. It's abetter do-it-all gun than those other three but interior use isn't a do everything well scenario.
I agree with you the Democrats release them to prey upon the weak & the innocent always point the blame at someone else or use race or religion as an excuse for their violence.
Silly boy, It’s the Gun’s fault-it’s Always the gun’s fault-never the two legged Predator who uses it. I think things would run a lot smoother if we went back to Fair trials and speedy hangings. Broadcast ‘em. Might convince some a-hole to reconsider his line of work🙄