
train takes out SPA in South Carolina

I have questions

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truckers fault, 1000%.

there are signs posted about the crossings, and if not due to maybe vandals removing them, it is the trucker that must LOOK at the road for gouge marks, indicating high center.

gonna be a big insurance claim if it was a working military vehicle, on it's way to a base, and if not, if decommissioned, the new private owner can still sue the trucking company, and the trucker himself.

no matter what, it falls on the trucker.

and God help him, if it was a military truck, with a soldier hauling it........

maybe a tour of the Aleutian Islands will do him some good.
i didn't see the video, there was an issue with it for me, but that does appear to be an owner-operator truck.

i sure do hope his insurance coverage can handle this....
The mandated limit for most classes of business is $750,000. However, most shippers and freight brokers will require that you maintain a minimum insurance coverage of $1 million.
there was "talk" years ago of upping it to 5 million, but i haven't kept up with the news on that.

i'm sure those contractors that get to repair machinery for the gooberment will seek a cool pay day.