Qualifications are not training tools — they are almost exclusively a waste of time. Inexplicably, the test is the only requirement that many agencies enforce. Academies often regard the qualification as the benchmark of success; too frequently, test components are mistakenly treated as curriculum.
When the time comes to fight for life with a handgun, speed is unquestionably relevant. Cops are more likely to run out of time than ammunition. If time wasn’t a dominant constraint, then the gun would not be the solution! Even case law around using force specifically highlights the necessity of time as a driving factor — “tense, uncertain and rapidly evolving” is the environment in which handgun skills will be called into use.
Efficiency is difficult to reward or even establish when time is only measured as a maximal limit. If a stage or task has a 10-second limit, there is no incentive to push skill levels regarding efficiency. If a shooter gets the task done in 9.9 seconds and stacks rounds on top of each other with bullseye hits, we call them a good shooter. If someone uses only 1.9 seconds and puts their shots in a 3-inch group, they are normally told to “slow down” or “tighten that up.” If you have ever said those words (as I have), it’s OK — just don’t ever say them again after today!