
Transforming your existing qualification into an unlimited skill assessment



Qualifications are not training tools — they are almost exclusively a waste of time. Inexplicably, the test is the only requirement that many agencies enforce. Academies often regard the qualification as the benchmark of success; too frequently, test components are mistakenly treated as curriculum.

When the time comes to fight for life with a handgun, speed is unquestionably relevant. Cops are more likely to run out of time than ammunition. If time wasn’t a dominant constraint, then the gun would not be the solution! Even case law around using force specifically highlights the necessity of time as a driving factor — “tense, uncertain and rapidly evolving” is the environment in which handgun skills will be called into use.

Efficiency is difficult to reward or even establish when time is only measured as a maximal limit. If a stage or task has a 10-second limit, there is no incentive to push skill levels regarding efficiency. If a shooter gets the task done in 9.9 seconds and stacks rounds on top of each other with bullseye hits, we call them a good shooter. If someone uses only 1.9 seconds and puts their shots in a 3-inch group, they are normally told to “slow down” or “tighten that up.” If you have ever said those words (as I have), it’s OK — just don’t ever say them again after today!
I agree with the premise of the article. When prowling around on the internet reading about all the training offered and how much folks talk about it, I have often thought and sometimes asked the question “how good is good enough?” I have read quite a few reports of people who just bought themselves a handgun for self defense using it a few days later to protect themselves and/or other people.
I have often thought and sometimes asked the question “how good is good enough?”
No such thing as good enough. You got to train like seal team six is going to call any minute and ask YOU for a helping hand :rolleyes:;). Not putting down training but I strongly suspect that if it stopped being fun and the trainee couldn't brag about being given special lessons with national renowned so&so, you would see a lot less "you've got to do be capable of XYZ. But hey, it keeps people employed and off the street corner.

That was a good read. My training has been varied. Sometimes the emphasis is on accuracy, i.e. a distance shot or head shot. Sometimes the emphasis is on speed, making "good" hits as quickly as possible. We have targets with a fuzzy high-center-chest box that are great for gaging speed vs. effective hits. There is a difference between real world situations and competitive bullseye shooting. The article does well pointing out the difference.

Thank you for your indulgence,

As a former FLETC certified and current Rangemaster Advance and Indiana LE instructor I will say the biggest issue with LE quals is the time is too gracious and the scoring rings are too big.

Indiana has its own rather large box but a substitute most use is the traditional B27. Everything 8 ring and in full value 2 points per everything else 1. Problem if you hold up the 8 ring it’s wider than most of us so a full value there is an outer barely on the bad guy Nick definitely not a threat stopper.

I find value in tighter scoring rings and par times like the Bakersfield and Justin Dyals 5 yard roundup, double up and the Rangemastwr assessment in B8’s

If a shooter can get 90 or better on any of those a state course is no problem and you see in 10 rounds instead of 50 where they are at!

An 80 is passing and is no slouch for no. Instructors.

The problem with making minimum standards too minimum (like 70) is there is no challenge and troops think they are better equipped than they are.

Why most body cam shootings if it goes more than 4 rounds it becomes a mag sup where the perp if even hit is grazed in the ankle and looks like an abortion on video!

Most folks passed a minimum standard test to get a drivers license and unlike firearms drive every day yet look at the roads!!!!!