I have them every where. Even my golf bag. https://mymedic.com/blogs/journal/1...ence-between-a-first-aid-kit-and-a-trauma-kit
I have them every where. Even my golf bag. https://mymedic.com/blogs/journal/1...ence-between-a-first-aid-kit-and-a-trauma-kit
Check out the link.I carry some first aid supplies in my range bag, just in case
Heck yeah. I always carry a bottle of single malt, for medicinal purposes only ;-)I have them every where. Even my golf bag. https://mymedic.com/blogs/journal/1...ence-between-a-first-aid-kit-and-a-trauma-kit
No SATRP, but I'd like it to be. It just so happens to be my initials followed by my lucky number (unless I am BETting 7 at the local casino that is (which I rarely attend to be honest)).Hi BET7,
Life would be harsh w/o a sense of humor.
BTW, does your handle have anything to do with a come line as in, "Yo, 7, come 11, baby needs a new pair of shoes."