Coincidentally and talking about TV and guns, I have an early Python exactly like Rick's, including the 'Colt' Pachmyer (?sp) grips. Not only that, but like Rick, I too am left handed and have an identical 'Border Patrol' left handed holster. His Python is a 6" bbl carried in a 4" holster, as is my combination. Although I never carry it and only very occasionally even put it in the holster.
It only comes out into the light when a heated discussion of "Walking Dead" comes up, or a game of "Trivial Pursuit", or when my brother in law comes over. He's a big "WD" fan and wants that gun so bad he can hardly stand it. I'll usually take it out for him to look at and watch him squirm. No, I'm not being an ass, just love to watch him oogle over it with him not knowing that when I'm gone my wife has instructions to ensure it goes to him. He's my wife's younger brother by about 12 years, and when she and I were just dating, I took up a lot of time with him in all the outdoors, man/boy stuff his dad wasn't into. I taught him to shoot, helped him get his first long gun, taught him to hunt and fish, so we're pretty close even today after some 51+ years.
BTW, I'm careful too to not 'holster rub' it since it's a 1982 version handgun, and (you ready for this?) never had the cylinder turned, and obviously never been fired. As far as I know, it's never even been cocked since there is absolutely no roll marks on the cylinder. I have it in the original box, with all original papers including sales receipt dated 4/82, the guarantee, owner's manual, owner's congratulatory letter from "Colt", original styro-foam box filler, all in the original clear plastic baggy. Even the color on the box is utterly pristine.
In all my life I've only really made out 'like a bandit' on three occasions. My wife, my kids (including my yard kids), and that Python. Not sure which I treasure the most !!!
