
Ukraine assistance

USA has provided a lot of goods, let alone what has come from Europe.

To bad some of it is considered NFA for us citizens 🧐😞


Personally, I think we should stop supplying arms to them, they selling everything we have, if we need it, we won’t have it, enough is enough, it’s there war, not ours, how I feel

They’re selling surplus; and it’s being replaced just as quickly as it goes with new stuff.

We have more than enough, should it be needed.

Hell, we’re selling them weapons systems (Hawk SAM, for instance) that we’ve considered obsolete since the 1980’s…
I have zero issues with and support backing Israel. That said I don’t feel the same about Ukraine. We wouldn’t be talking about Ukraine had this administration not pushed them into trying to join NATO. That said while Russia isn’t innocent it’s not our issue why are we sending the amount of arms and money.

You could take a fraction of the $$ we send to Ukraine and the Taliban (yes they are sending money to the Taliban) amd fix a lot is issues here.

And some would disagree but sign of the times since you have parents giving mental kids firearms instead of treatment. Put that $$ in schools making schools like a Federal Courthouse or Airport terminal to get into and you’d do a pretty good job at eliminating the majority of active shooter scenerio inside the building anyway.
A dictator attacked a democracy. It's a no-brainer. And please, try not to swallow the dictator's propaganda.
I may not make friends with this but here goes.
Volodymyr Zelenskyy comes across to me as thinking the United States owes him something. While I appreciate his mission, it is not my (or your) fight. While I have never been a soldier, I have always been a patriot for these United States. I believe that our efforts would be better served within our own borders. We have plenty work to do right here and would be better served if we would apply our abundant resources right here at home. One day a true threat will come to our homeland, and I we are not caught with our pants down.
Remember it wasn’t too many years ago (early 90’s) that the USA and Russia talked a newly independent Ukraine into surrendering Ukraine’s ex Soviet nuclear weapons buy “guaranteeing” Ukraine’s territorial integrity. What do you bet Kiev wishes now they ignored us AND the Russians?
isolationism led to WW2 when the US felt we didnt need to be in the world affairs.

Fight them on their shores unless you want to fight them on our shores.

Stop russia, N korea, Iran, cuba, Afghanistan and other in their tracks.
