
Ukraine assistance

Answer #1 ‐ If Russia invades your country , fighting back is a Good Thing . Ukraine has done very well at stymied what global superpower thought would be a pushover , and still can't accomplish .

Answer #2 ‐ The thefts , bribery , kickbacks , etc associated with Western Assistance is horrendous.
Answer #1 ‐ If Russia invades your country , fighting back is a Good Thing . Ukraine has done very well at stymied what global superpower thought would be a pushover , and still can't accomplish .

Answer #2 ‐ The thefts , bribery , kickbacks , etc associated with Western Assistance is horrendous.
Please list the Answer #2 items.

Please list the items in Answer #2 that also occur in the USA Fed govt.
Please list the Answer #2 items.

Please list the items in Answer #2 that also occur in the USA Fed govt.

Sorry , this board apparently has a culture of moderating out " controversial political topics " , and naming the ringleader and his bagman would get dinged . But they're very well known.
Not even close to the level of The Ukraine. And that's saying something because ours is extremely corrupt.
The corrupt handle the corrupt, thus the $$$$ flowing.
War is good business. Every politician knows this. Assembly lines hum and citizens get nice paying jobs.
Everyones happy except those on the front lines .

Will never change. Never
The corrupt handle the corrupt, thus the $$$$ flowing.
War is good business. Every politician knows this. Assembly lines hum and citizens get nice paying jobs.
Everyones happy except those on the front lines .

Will never change. Never
The system is designed primarily to protect itself. While we fight each other over who to vote for, they win either way. Usually. You can tell when it's not. Guess I can't elaborate.