
Understand the heartbreak ... but this is totally rediculous!


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to read about the parents and others who lost children in the Uvalde mass shooting and their law suit against UPS and FedEx for their supposed involvement in the shooting. The suit claims that since FedEx delivered the AR15 to the store where the shooter bought it, they have a responsibility for the shooting. Then they claim that UPS delivered an aftermarket trigger for the rifle directly to the shooter's home which was less than 1,000' from a school property, therefore they share responsibility for that shooting.

All of us responsible, law abiding gun owners can and do feel their pain for the loss of their children, and we all know that there are law offices that will take on most any suit where there are deep pockets and lot's of sympathy for the plaintiffs. Unfortunately most juries typically look toward the deep pockets of the insurance companies of these type shipping companies, and just accept that "why heck, it's just the insurance companies and they have plenty of money". "We can find exorbitant amounts for the plaintiffs and nobody really gets hurt". But, at some point folks need to understand that the insurance companies work with our money to begin with in the form of premiums. The more and higher any payouts, the higher all our premiums go.

And even more important, people who sit on these juries (most of us all at one time or another) have to start recognizing that these outrageous and unwarranted awards are a big part of the problem as well. Neither of these two shipping companies have even one IOTA of responsibility for this mass shooting, nor should they have to pay for it. There is/was only one person responsible for that school shooting, and that was the shooter.
I notice that they want a jury trial. If you notice, the anti-gunners always attack on an emotional level. So they'll look for 12 of the biggest dumb asses they can find so they can manipulate their feelings.
Any Judge worth a damn would throw the case out on day one. But stupider things have happened. 🤬
Money grab plain and simple. The shooter is solely responsible, and lawsuits like this distract from other important aspects. Rarely mentioned, if at all, is that Uvalde was/is a hotbed of gang and LaRaza activity. Then you have a chief of police in a patronage job position. Everybody seems to ignore these factors.
So they'll look for 12 of the biggest dumb asses they can find so they can manipulate their feelings.
Isn’t that the truth. I’ve never avoided jury duty, yet only been selected twice, probably out of three dozen or more reporting calls). Once for traffic and once for a case where defendant was accused of trying to seriously injure plaintiff (was BS, plaintiff swung arm at defendants truck causing injury to themselves).

Attorneys, prosecutors or defense, in no way, shape, or form want jurors who have been taught to critically analyze evidence.