let me tell you something about "betrayal and loyalty"..I agree with the commentary about the Liberty company on here, But, my initial thought was 'Betrayal'? My loved ones and friends could betray me sure, but not some company, I do not personally give companies the level of trust that could result in betrayal. At the end of the day just about every company on the planet is going to take the path of money vs people (this time it backfired); thus a company doing stupid stuff like this comes as no surprise. Jeezus I am Jaded!
when i was younger, i was as loyal to any employer as i could be.
i was loyal to my co-workers as well, as in time of need, i needed them to help me, and vice-versa.
then one time, and i mean ONE TIME, i got shafted by a fellow employee AND the employer....
THAT ENDED any loyalty, i could have ever had.
from that day on, my loyalty is with my FAMILY, and ONLY my family.
friends..?? sure i have friends, but do i trust any of them..??
since i have long ago retired.......i found employment, did my job, got paid, then went home...
no extra's, no special favors, as i knew the "brown-nosers" were all the more too happy yo kiss the bosses butt.
no one could talk bad of me, as i showed up for work EARLY each time, and stayed late until i was done.
i retired knowing that "loyalty" just does not exist, ..........unless you pay for it.
and even then.......??
i'd still not trust it...............