
Uscca affiliation

And you joined just to troll ? Unlike you, who has no reputation whatsoever here, Springfield has a pretty decent one. And from what I have read so does USCCA contrary to some internet troll rumors, but that is second hand information no personal experience.
You really should take a minute or 2 and get informed before you start throwing accusations. I own several Springfields and love them. Springfield did take a huge reputation hit with the political bs a few years ago whether you acknowledge that or not. USCCA is a complete scam trash company that drops their client if they are charged with a crime when they defend themselves. What do you think happens in the first few days/hours of using your firearm to defend yourself? You can and usually will be charged. That's the whole idea of "Carry Insurance". Get informed before you open your mouth and show everybody how ignorant and reactionary you are. Troll.
You really should take a minute or 2 and get informed before you start throwing accusations. I own several Springfields and love them. Springfield did take a huge reputation hit with the political bs a few years ago whether you acknowledge that or not. USCCA is a complete scam trash company that drops their client if they are charged with a crime when they defend themselves. What do you think happens in the first few days/hours of using your firearm to defend yourself? You can and usually will be charged. That's the whole idea of "Carry Insurance". Get informed before you open your mouth and show everybody how ignorant and reactionary you are. Troll.
I don’t disagree with anything you said other than the troll part. This is a pretty tight forum and one of the more congenial ones. Why is that? Because we don’t’t go around crapping on everyone like say, Glock Talk, HK Pro and numerous others. Check yourself brother, you’re off to a bad start.
You really should take a minute or 2 and get informed before you start throwing accusations. I own several Springfields and love them. Springfield did take a huge reputation hit with the political bs a few years ago whether you acknowledge that or not. USCCA is a complete scam trash company that drops their client if they are charged with a crime when they defend themselves. What do you think happens in the first few days/hours of using your firearm to defend yourself? You can and usually will be charged. That's the whole idea of "Carry Insurance". Get informed before you open your mouth and show everybody how ignorant and reactionary you are. Troll.
I, for one, wouldn't mind seeing your evidence of USCCA being a scam.
I, for one, wouldn't mind seeing your evidence of USCCA being a scam.
Scam is a strong word, but they definitely had some hidden clauses that people should have been aware of. Apparently, they’ve made some changes, but IMO that is because people became aware of their policy of dropping members and trying to recoup their costs. It was bad optics and they reacted under pressure, which I also think should give people pause for thought. There are better choices out there who do not spend all their proceeds on flashy marketing.
Scam is a strong word, but they definitely had some hidden clauses that people should have been aware of. Apparently, they’ve made some changes, but IMO that is because people became aware of their policy of dropping members and trying to recoup their costs. It was bad optics and they reacted under pressure, which I also think should give people pause for thought. There are better choices out there who do not spend all their proceeds on flashy marketing.
Thanks Simon. I do agree. It’s been my experience with nearly everything, that you have to really watch the fine print. I was curious as to whether there was any evidence of a scam. I didn’t expect any, but I also read about their “updated” policies. Definitely a lot to consider.
I don’t disagree with anything you said other than the troll part. This is a pretty tight forum and one of the more congenial ones. Why is that? Because we don’t’t go around crapping on everyone like say, Glock Talk, HK Pro and numerous others. Check yourself brother, you’re off to a bad start.
I only used that word because I was called a troll by the person I was replying to.
I don’t disagree with anything you said other than the troll part. This is a pretty tight forum and one of the more congenial ones. Why is that? Because we don’t’t go around crapping on everyone like say, Glock Talk, HK Pro and numerous others. Check yourself brother, you’re off to a bad start.
I don’t disagree with anything you said other than the troll part. This is a pretty tight forum and one of the more congenial ones. Why is that? Because we don’t’t go around crapping on everyone like say, Glock Talk, HK Pro and numerous others. Check yourself brother, you’re off to a bad start.
See the previous comment by sid1959
Personally, I don’t believe in that kind of insurance myself……
I feel that it is needed ut that said people (a lot of them) could do a better job in educating themselves on what a lifestyle change carrying a firearm is.

And sadly these days LEOs are matter if factly they do not care they simply take a report make an arrest and upchannel rinse and repeat. And that whole zero tolerance hasn’t helped!

Tonight I attended the USCCA panel discussion at my range. The panel discussion included a couple of state legislators, members of the Wisconsin State Assembly, plus a couple of USCCA representatives. Katie Pointer Baney is the Managing Director of Government Affairs for the USCCA.


She was quite bubbly and acted as the moderator for the discussion and Q&A. Also in attendance was the main attorney/spokesperson for USCCA, Tom Grieve. He was an affable, approachable fellow and we got to talk for several minutes before the presentation.


I asked him specifically about situations that would cause USCCA/Delta Defense to drop my coverage. He said, basically, don't commit a crime (i.e. murder, armed robbery, etc) and if the judge allows a your attorney to plead self-defense, you're golden. I also asked specifically about the Alan Colie case. It turns out Alan Colie is still a member of USCCA and was never "dropped" from coverage. More information in this YT video right from the horse's mouth.

I asked Mr. Grieve if he knew Andrew Branca (Law of Self Defense/CCW Safe advocate) and they've never met. However Mr. Grieve did reveal to me that Mr. Branca at one time used to be affiliated with USCCA but there was a "falling out" and it seems Mr. Branca had an "ax to grind", hence his negativity.

We did not speak at length about the Kayla Giles case other than he agreed with me that shooting someone through a door is hard to consider an imminent threat. There was more evidence for a premeditated event and less for a self-defense event. Again, don't purposely commit a crime and expect to be covered.

I don't know if you noticed in the comments below the video linked above, there seems to have been issues with other defense coverage companies too.


I also found out that every company has exclusions. For example, here are a few of the CCW Safe and U.S. Law Shield exclusions:

USCCA is the only one of the three that does not have a Family/Domestic Violence Exclusion clause (meaning that they will cover these occurrences). Both U.S. LawShield and CCW Safe do, with CCW Safe taking it a step further and including any invited guest to your home as part of the exclusion!


But enough of that. Just make sure the self defense coverage you choose is right for you.

The panel discussion started right on time.


The discussion dealt mostly with legislation in our state, what's coming up in the new legislative session, both good and bad.




There was a lot of "get out the vote" talk, bring a friend to the polls, etc. It surprised me that there was not a big sales pitch at the end of the discussion. In fact, there was no sales pitch at all. There was a very small marksmanship contest after the discussion. Of course, I took part.


It was a simple course of action, 10 hits as close to the bullseye as you could get, smallest group wins. My target came back like this.


Yeah, yeah, I know. Four hits low/left outside the center circle. The winner had only one hit outside the circle. However, I did win a raffle drawing and got to take home a couple of lovely consolation gifts.


It's a really nice YETI cooler and an IFAK with gloves, shears, 2" medical tape, Krinkle gauze roll, Olaes modular bandage, Halo seal, and tourniquet. It'll work in an emergency.

So after talking to Tom Grieve himself, doing a little more research, and taking into consideration the recent policy changes of the USCCA/Delta Defense, I'm going to stay with them but keep up my vigilance. Both Katie and Tom said feel free to reach out with questions and concerns. If you guys have any I'd be happy to pass them along and get some more answers. Thank you all for your discussion. I hope this has been of some help to you.

Thank you for your indulgence,

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You really should take a minute or 2 and get informed before you start throwing accusations. I own several Springfields and love them. Springfield did take a huge reputation hit with the political bs a few years ago whether you acknowledge that or not. USCCA is a complete scam trash company that drops their client if they are charged with a crime when they defend themselves. What do you think happens in the first few days/hours of using your firearm to defend yourself? You can and usually will be charged. That's the whole idea of "Carry Insurance". Get informed before you open your mouth and show everybody how ignorant and reactionary you are. Troll.
You obviously need a lesson in reading comprehension before responding. I never called you a troll. I asked if you joined just to troll. Which is a question, which gives you an opportunity to explain your position. And yes, most most negative comments on the organization I have seen have been trolling comments and I did state that plainly.

Also my comment about your reputation here was on point, you do not have one, good or bad. Starting out with a negatively implied post about springfield, OR ANY OTHER PERSON OR ENTITY, on ANY forum, rather than the usual friendly introduction, does usually imply an ax to grind rather than a friendly conversation. One might be forgiven for being suspicious of your intentions.
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Tonight I attended the USCCA panel discussion at my range. The panel discussion included a couple of state legislators, members of the Wisconsin State Assembly, plus a couple of USCCA representatives. Katie Pointer Baney is the Managing Director of Government Affairs for the USCCA.

View attachment 60854

She was quite bubbly and acted as the moderator for the discussion and Q&A. Also in attendance was the main attorney/spokesperson for USCCA, Tom Grieve. He was an affable, approachable fellow and we got to talk for several minutes before the presentation.


I asked him specifically about situations that would cause USCCA/Delta Defense to drop my coverage. He said, basically, don't commit a crime (i.e. murder, armed robbery, etc) and if the judge allows a your attorney to plead self-defense, you're golden. I also asked specifically about the Alan Colie case. It turns out Alan Colie is still a member of USCCA and was never "dropped" from coverage. More information in this YT video right from the horse's mouth.

I asked Mr. Grieve if he knew Andrew Branca (Law of Self Defense/CCW Safe advocate) and they've never met. However Mr. Grieve did reveal to me that Mr. Branca at one time used to be affiliated with USCCA but there was a "falling out" and it seems Mr. Branca had an "ax to grind", hence his negativity.

We did not speak at length about the Kayla Giles case other than he agreed with me that shooting someone through a door is hard to consider an imminent threat. There was more evidence for a premeditated event and less for a self-defense event. Again, don't purposely commit a crime and expect to be covered.

I don't know if you noticed in the comments below the video linked above, there seems to have been issues with other defense coverage companies too.

View attachment 60855

I also found out that every company has exclusions. For example, here are a few of the CCW Safe and U.S. Law Shield exclusions:


But enough of that. Just make sure the self defense coverage you choose is right for you.

The panel discussion started right on time.


The discussion dealt mostly with legislation in our state, what's coming up in the new legislative session, both good and bad.




There was a lot of "get out the vote" talk, bring a friend to the polls, etc. It surprised me that there was not a big sales pitch at the end of the discussion. In fact, there was no sales pitch at all. There was a very small marksmanship contest after the discussion. Of course, I took part.


It was a simple course of action, 10 hits as close to the bullseye as you could get, smallest group wins. My target came back like this.


Yeah, yeah, I know. Four hits low/left outside the center circle. The winner had only one hit outside the circle. However, I did win a raffle drawing and got to take home a couple of lovely consolation gifts.


It's a really nice YETI cooler and an IFAK with gloves, shears, 2" medical tape, Krinkle gauze roll, Olaes modular bandage, Halo seal, and tourniquet. It'll work in an emergency.

So after talking to Tom Grieve himself, doing a little more research, and taking into consideration the recent policy changes of the USCCA/Delta Defense, I'm going to stay with them but keep up my vigilance. Both Katie and Tom said feel free to reach out with questions and concerns. If you guys have any I'd be happy to pass them along and get some more answers. Thank you all for your discussion. I hope this has been of some help to you.

Thank you for your indulgence,

Thanks Cliff. An excellent write up of your questions, Tom’s responses, and the event in general. I appreciate the time and effort you expended in further exploration of the USCCA organization. Additionally, nice shooting and congratulations on taking home some quality gifts. Your time and effort weren’t only informative, but productive as well. 👍

Tonight I attended the USCCA panel discussion at my range. The panel discussion included a couple of state legislators, members of the Wisconsin State Assembly, plus a couple of USCCA representatives. Katie Pointer Baney is the Managing Director of Government Affairs for the USCCA.

View attachment 60854

She was quite bubbly and acted as the moderator for the discussion and Q&A. Also in attendance was the main attorney/spokesperson for USCCA, Tom Grieve. He was an affable, approachable fellow and we got to talk for several minutes before the presentation.


I asked him specifically about situations that would cause USCCA/Delta Defense to drop my coverage. He said, basically, don't commit a crime (i.e. murder, armed robbery, etc) and if the judge allows a your attorney to plead self-defense, you're golden. I also asked specifically about the Alan Colie case. It turns out Alan Colie is still a member of USCCA and was never "dropped" from coverage. More information in this YT video right from the horse's mouth.

I asked Mr. Grieve if he knew Andrew Branca (Law of Self Defense/CCW Safe advocate) and they've never met. However Mr. Grieve did reveal to me that Mr. Branca at one time used to be affiliated with USCCA but there was a "falling out" and it seems Mr. Branca had an "ax to grind", hence his negativity.

We did not speak at length about the Kayla Giles case other than he agreed with me that shooting someone through a door is hard to consider an imminent threat. There was more evidence for a premeditated event and less for a self-defense event. Again, don't purposely commit a crime and expect to be covered.

I don't know if you noticed in the comments below the video linked above, there seems to have been issues with other defense coverage companies too.

View attachment 60855

I also found out that every company has exclusions. For example, here are a few of the CCW Safe and U.S. Law Shield exclusions:


But enough of that. Just make sure the self defense coverage you choose is right for you.

The panel discussion started right on time.


The discussion dealt mostly with legislation in our state, what's coming up in the new legislative session, both good and bad.




There was a lot of "get out the vote" talk, bring a friend to the polls, etc. It surprised me that there was not a big sales pitch at the end of the discussion. In fact, there was no sales pitch at all. There was a very small marksmanship contest after the discussion. Of course, I took part.


It was a simple course of action, 10 hits as close to the bullseye as you could get, smallest group wins. My target came back like this.


Yeah, yeah, I know. Four hits low/left outside the center circle. The winner had only one hit outside the circle. However, I did win a raffle drawing and got to take home a couple of lovely consolation gifts.


It's a really nice YETI cooler and an IFAK with gloves, shears, 2" medical tape, Krinkle gauze roll, Olaes modular bandage, Halo seal, and tourniquet. It'll work in an emergency.

So after talking to Tom Grieve himself, doing a little more research, and taking into consideration the recent policy changes of the USCCA/Delta Defense, I'm going to stay with them but keep up my vigilance. Both Katie and Tom said feel free to reach out with questions and concerns. If you guys have any I'd be happy to pass them along and get some more answers. Thank you all for your discussion. I hope this has been of some help to you.

Thank you for your indulgence,

Thanks so much for the info, Cliff. It's much appreciated! Now go off with Mrs. BassCliff and enjoy your cruise.
Please do share some photos when you get a chance. :D