
USSS Director Resigns

I did that kind of work as an OSI agent years ago and often worked with USSS, as recently as 2003. Some of them were arrogant pricks in the way they dealt with local LE but found the guys working the presidential detail to be consumate professionals and dead serious about their mission. They need manpower and resources to do the job. I don't know what has happened in the past 20 years, but the pros in the agency have to be absolutely pissed about this goat rope. I hope they put a warrior in charge.
This whole debacle is mission failure due to leadership's failure to keep the agency focused on mission. The wrong people at the top can wreck an organization's effectiveness on short order. I worry how many other departments, like our military, have been infected by the wokeness distractions. I guess we will see if we go to war with China or Iran. It will take strong leadership to turn things around.