
Video: How Effective Is .380 ACP?

BTW, When I was much younger and carried a 1911-A1 off-duty, it was loaded with W-W White Box 230 grain ball ammo. I never felt slighted. 230 grains grains of ball ammo has most desirable skeletal smashing ability. Killing a bad guy wasn't the intent. Stopping a bad guy from putting rounds on me was.

While my former duty .45 ACP round was Fed 230 grain HST LE +P, I only use it for wilderness defense for mostly black bears although I'd use it on any bear. For bipedal self-defense, standard pressure .45 ACP ammo is more than excellent.
Doesn't a holster like this negate the point of putting a pocket gun in a holster? Nothing stopping you from grabbing on to that trigger when you're in their trying to get it out. I get that it breaks up the pattern so it don't look like a gun in your pocket, but it still looks dangerous to me.

I just generally dislike pocket guns.
No danger due to manual safety and draw with middle finger in the hole below the trigger guard. Index finger straight along slide at that point just like any other holster. Ring finger and little finger wrap around bottom of holster preventing middle finger from reaching the trigger. Safety disengaged and trigger finger to trigger at punch out. As long as my hand position is on the beaver tail correctly with my index finger on the slide during the draw it's never been a problem. I did train and practice this extensively and have never had a finger on the trigger until ready to shoot.

Edited for spelling.
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