
Video Release (Stay Alert)

We live in the Memphis metro area. I-55 was shut down last night at the river, but things stayed peaceful. I haven’t watched the news this morning.

MPD has pole mounted cameras (some folks call them cop cams). I believe the overhead video was shot with one of those. They are automatic, motion detecting cameras I believe. MPD has shut down the special “Scorpion” units. MPD was not federalized under Obama.

We do have a high crime rate around here for sure. A lot of it is related to drug trafficking by “gangs.” It is sad that folks in some of the neighborhoods are afraid or for whatever reason will not stand up and not put up with all the shootings, etc., A lot of innocent people have been injured or killed by the random shooting.

I hope things settle back down quickly.
Many if not all of the media and pols will never ask why didn’t he just sit in his car and get his Notice to Appear traffic citation.

I don’t know Memphis‘ court rules on bond but I’m sure they’re as lenient as most jurisdictions these days, so it’s very likely unless this active resistor was wanted on a capital offense, he would have spent a few hours of inconvenience mostly for processing and let go without paying a dime.

The public is not privy to the details, but this MPD Unit was doing what they were tasked by their (activist) MPD Chief instructed. She threw them under the bus rather quick.

A normal traffic stop usually doesn’t command a multitude of responding units …until SHTF.
Media and trouble makers want to stir the pot and when even the MPD brass doesn’t back the blue, they have a real problem.

Lawlessness continues to pay dividends is so many ways, it’s why the Pols don’t want to put an end to it.
We live in the Memphis metro area. I-55 was shut down last night at the river, but things stayed peaceful. I haven’t watched the news this morning.

MPD has pole mounted cameras (some folks call them cop cams). I believe the overhead video was shot with one of those. They are automatic, motion detecting cameras I believe. MPD has shut down the special “Scorpion” units. MPD was not federalized under Obama.

We do have a high crime rate around here for sure. A lot of it is related to drug trafficking by “gangs.” It is sad that folks in some of the neighborhoods are afraid or for whatever reason will not stand up and not put up with all the shootings, etc., A lot of innocent people have been injured or killed by the random shooting.

I hope things settle back down quickly.
Thank You
First , what happened to that young man was terrible.
Check out Memphis PD on fb. The crime is unreal.
The city is a dumpster fire. So glad we got out years ago.