
Virus protection and a big 'cluster fxxk'!

We use Webroot. We have used it for years with no issues.
Ditto. I've been using Webroot (the licensed version, not the free version) for some years now to protect my PCs from malicious websites.

Never been hacked or contracted a cyber-virus since I started using it. Webroot Antivirus & Internet Security

I also use Malwarebytes for the same reasons. I may be doubled up a bit on such protection but I'm going to keep it that way and continue to use double layer protection. Malwarebytes
Ditto. I've been using Webroot (the licensed version, not the free version) for some years now to protect my PCs from malicious websites.

Never been hacked or contracted a cyber-virus since I started using it. Webroot Antivirus & Internet Security

I also use Malwarebytes for the same reasons. I may be doubled up a bit on such protection but I'm going to keep it that way and continue to use double layer protection. Malwarebytes
We use the licensed version as well. We also use Malwarebytes which is very good at catching malware. I do gaming from time to time so it’s a little added protection.
As much as I appreciate all this, the fact is I only understood about 20% of it. And I don't currently have an issue with my machine, the Kaspersky has been doing a great job for the better of 15 years. I don't remember even one issue related to viruses. My issue right now is having to delete it on 4 different devices, 2 laptops and two cell phones all different, and install some other virus protection program, making sure it has all the features I need/want like VPN, password mgr, etc, and I don't even have a clue what VPN is, when I can't get a real live body to talk me through it on a phone. Thanks again and please understand I don't even know how to spell 'IBM'! ;):oops:
joe, nearly all devices have a "control panel" tab......sometimes, its at the bottom of your screen, like where your power button is.

you would click onto that, and up pops the control panel....

you would then scroll down to....."Program/uninstall programs"

you would then click onto....."uninstall a program"...then a list will pop up.

you then would scroll down to "Kaspersky", and click onto it

when you do, a pop up appears asking you if you want to proceed, you then select "YES"

then the 'puter, laptop, takes over from there.

follow any directions, like (maybe) do you want to restart your device? then select yes, as this finishes the uninstall.

if you have a new anti virus program, you would (usually) just hit "install", and again, the device takes over

many times when INSTALLING, you will be asked..."express or full"

this is up to you, as express only installs some of the program, where as full...well means it installs all of it...that choice is yours, many times, you can do a full install at a later date.

as old as I AM, i did not have much tutoring or youtube videos to guide me...i learnt all on my own, making mistakes and sweating profusely to make corrections, so i KNOW the feelings you have

i am NOT a computer expert, but i watch a lot of reruns of "Big Bang Theory"...

and this young lady, spins my wheels,


and as a result, i know nuff about 'puters......to get me outta trouble.
joe, nearly all devices have a "control panel" tab......sometimes, its at the bottom of your screen, like where your power button is.

you would click onto that, and up pops the control panel....

you would then scroll down to....."Program/uninstall programs"

you would then click onto....."uninstall a program"...then a list will pop up.

you then would scroll down to "Kaspersky", and click onto it

when you do, a pop up appears asking you if you want to proceed, you then select "YES"

then the 'puter, laptop, takes over from there.

follow any directions, like (maybe) do you want to restart your device? then select yes, as this finishes the uninstall.

if you have a new anti virus program, you would (usually) just hit "install", and again, the device takes over

many times when INSTALLING, you will be asked..."express or full"

this is up to you, as express only installs some of the program, where as full...well means it installs all of it...that choice is yours, many times, you can do a full install at a later date.

as old as I AM, i did not have much tutoring or youtube videos to guide me...i learnt all on my own, making mistakes and sweating profusely to make corrections, so i KNOW the feelings you have

i am NOT a computer expert, but i watch a lot of reruns of "Big Bang Theory"...

and this young lady, spins my wheels,

View attachment 67236

and as a result, i know nuff about 'puters......to get me outta trouble.
Thanks Old_Me, and I'm gaining on it bit by bit. I think I can handle the deleting now, especially after your top notch explanation as to how to get it done. I'm so thankful for the help that if we lived closer to each other I'd probably give you a kiss ... that is only if you looked like the picture in this post!!! HaHa! And it would be right on that belly button! Oh be still my heart ... I do love black bikinis and blond hair! 'Course I like red bikinis and brunette hair too. And yellow bikinis and red hair! And, and, and ... What the hell were we talking about?
View attachment 67286
You visit this website…….you’ll see things no toys were meant to see……
Well this must be one for me! I've often been called a "hot sex toy" ... well sort of. Actually not really called a "hot sex toy" in those words, but I've been asked many times "Why the hell are you playing with that thing? It ain't a toy you know!" Ain't that about the same thing? ;)
Yes, I'm only kidding!