First off, you're making an anti-democratic argument. Likewise people in Florida have to pretend they don't exist. Like state elections there are national elections.Not quite. Two more points:
People in California that aren't commies and don't vote for morons like Newsom and Pelosi and Kamala and all those people who want litter boxes in grade school bathrooms and think transitioning 13 year olds without their parent's consent is A-okay, are disenfranchised.
And what I'm actually expressing here is the fact that most people don't care if you're gay or if you think your son identifies as a cat and you are thinking of suing because a vet wouldn't treat him ( this actually happened), the issue comes when you start demanding special rights and privileges the rest of us don't enjoy or when you start infiltrating elementary education systems and indoctrinating kids to believe there are more than one gender, that men can get pregnant and that trans men should be allowed to play women's sports and use women's locker rooms. Or when they have your kids line up on their knees and lick the feet of certain teachers or students ( this also actually happened).
Another point you gloss over:
Since California laws are none of my business, maybe you could leave the states who want abortion illegal alone. Or the states who want to do something about the illegals in their communities. Or the states that don't want gender studies taught to their 8 year olds.
Which brings us right back to my original point. Since Missouri voters ( for example) overwhelmingly support right of center politics, WTF are you doing complaining about it around here all the time ? After all, they vote for who they want, right ?
Frankly, none of the stuff you mentioned is happening in Missouri, but if it were the same opinion would apply. In fact, a lot of these theocratic and authoritiaran arguments are only compelling because someone made up the lie you believed.
Lastly, I don't think I have ever mentioned Missouri. Show me state, right?