
VP elect

Trump has the conservative vote. This choice is not particularly exciting to me. I don’t see how this picks up the swing and independent voter.
Furthermore in my area in the last election (2022) only 33% of registered Republicans showed up to vote. His VP choice needed to be someone that got those folks out and in addition captured those swing and Independents. I just don’t see the excitement, I hope I’m wrong.
IMO, Vance was picked for his populist views in synch with Trump. IOW, Trump has changed the game again by getting away from the geo-political electoral vote count and instead appealing to a wider range of voters across the country. It's more a philosophical approach I think.

My .02
No one votes for president base on who he picks for VP. All this women, minority, this that or the other is RINO, Karl Rove type establishment, talking points to make themselves sound relevant. Don't know much about this guy but he sure didn't come up in privilege. That will help for those ex-middle-class inclined to vote Trump but have reservations, because of mean twits, or vet comments, or some other BS they heard on the "news". Remember that the "rust belt" is also the Bible belt". Maybe one of their own will calm the nerves of all the hand wringing self-righteous biddies over his many marriages, or comments. Not that they haven't done/said similar or worse. In the end none of that it matters.
“Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything.”
― Joseph Stalin
ok, as the local news anchor and even the panel at the RNC said, not much is known of this VP elect.

anyone know much about his platform in that state he is from?
thanks, but i guess i was really looking for people from his state, that have heard him speak, like at public events, what thier take on him is
I'm hoping for the proposed debate between Vance and Harris. I'd love to see him rip the cackle bird a new one.

BTW: the practice of choosing people based solely on their race or gender has become so obvious that it makes people suspicious right from the get go. There are many incompetent people in high ranking positions because of it. :poop:
I'm hoping for the proposed debate between Vance and Harris. I'd love to see him rip the cackle bird a new one.

BTW: the practice of choosing people based solely on their race or gender has become so obvious that it makes people suspicious right from the get go. There are many incompetent people in high ranking positions because of it. :poop:
You beat me by five seconds.
I would have preferred Tom Cotton or Glenn Youngkin.

Vance did not grow up in Appalachia, as reported & in his book, but grew up between Cincinnati and Dayton, and only visited family in Kentucky. But he had a hard family life, like many, and pulled himself up from all that to be successful.

Was an enlisted news reporter in a PR section of a USMC headquarters unit.

My .02