
Wayne LaPierre pays 4 million

I have been a NRA member since 1980 or so and am a Life Patriot Benefactor level, so I put some serious money into that organization. I am also a Certified Pistol and Rifle Instructor. They call me pretty often including today, but I have not given them money for many years now. I now give my support to Gun Owners of America, USCCA and the AKTI.
I have been a NRA member since 1980 or so and am a Life Patriot Benefactor level, so I put some serious money into that organization. I am also a Certified Pistol and Rifle Instructor. They call me pretty often including today, but I have not given them money for many years now. I now give my support to Gun Owners of America, USCCA and the AKTI.

Add FPC to that. (Firearms Policy Coalition) They are out there doing the lord's work.
I have been a NRA member since 1980 or so and am a Life Patriot Benefactor level, so I put some serious money into that organization. I am also a Certified Pistol and Rifle Instructor. They call me pretty often including today, but I have not given them money for many years now. I now give my support to Gun Owners of America, USCCA and the AKTI.
That seems to be the prevailing mood among the top revenue-givers. I knew about the NRA's rot 20 years ago and (though a lifer) I walked away in the hopes of sending a message... one that wasn't received by the masses. But I am confident that if the NRA Board offers up sincere penance and commits to repairing the breach, they can regain a measure of their old luster. But at my age, it won't be in my lifetime. I'm already a member/donor of FPC, and also a lifer with GOA and SAF. We must go where our donations will achieve the best results!
I’m an Endowment member and have been for several years, but I quit sending $$$ years ago. I got tired of multiple contacts/week wanting $$ while King Wayne was living the life of a king. I sincerely hope the NRA gets its crap together soon, no doubt we will need the in the future if the grabbers get back in power.