
Wayne LaPierre pays 4 million

GOA, SAF, FPC, CCRKBA, NAGR, and other state-level 2A groups are already doing this. They took up the slack long before the NRA fell from grace 6 years ago. Fact of the matter is, prior to that point, the NRA was stealing credit for the hard work of all the other groups, merely because in court cases they were filing amici briefs. That alone doesn't make it "your case". Moreover, prior to the court ruling against WLP, the hard work of all the aforementioned 2A groups were being thwarted in numerous instances because NRA HQ was interfering. People don't know or understand that William Brewer (the former outside counsel that was fleecing NRA for several HUNDREDS of $1000's a MONTH) is an antigun lawyer whose political donations has gone to Hardcore anti-2A Democrats like Hitlery Clinton, Ovomit, Chucky Schumer, Biden, etc.
When NRA became moribund a few years ago, and was doing nothing in the 2A defense space, that was when we started racking up
a lot of major court victories, particularly Bruen (2022). We've been on a hot streak ever since, and I am utterly convinced that this is because NRA HQ isn't able to meddle in cases. This is the end of a 100-year pattern of the NRA being gun owners' worst enemy! Here's the tally:
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Dude, this NRA timeline is pure BS. Which begs the question, if the NRA ( as an org) is so bad, why do it's detractors have to lie about them ? And some of those lies are so blatantly obvious you would literally have to be retarded to believe them.
The NRA is our best hope. We members were lax in paying attention to what was going on with our organization just like (or similar) to how we let our federal government get out of control.
The NRA is our best hope. We members were lax in paying attention to what was going on with our organization just like (or similar) to how we let our federal government get out of control.
Anyone who believes the NRA supported the AWB or Lautenburg or chooses to whitewash the fact that without the insistence of the NRA that the Brady Bill contain language that eliminates the waiting period as soon as a NICS comes on line is willfully ignorant.

I’d like to know exactly who is behind this little hit piece. Because if it’s the GOA or their people they aren’t any better than WLP. The NRA is entering a new era without the sleazeball WLP and other 2A groups ought to be supporting them rather than trying to assert their own dominance, especially using slander to do it.

Everyone would do well to remember that the number one enemy of anti gunners and the focus of all their backhanded, slanderous, media driven hatchet job on the 2A is the NRA. No other group has the kinda political clout the NRA had. And if it wasn’t for the NRA not one single person here outside of LEOs would have the ability to legally carry a firearm for self defense.
Anyone who believes the NRA supported the AWB or Lautenburg or chooses to whitewash the fact that without the insistence of the NRA that the Brady Bill contain language that eliminates the waiting period as soon as a NICS comes on line is willfully ignorant.

I’d like to know exactly who is behind this little hit piece. Because if it’s the GOA or their people they aren’t any better than WLP. The NRA is entering a new era without the sleazeball WLP and other 2A groups ought to be supporting them rather than trying to assert their own dominance, especially using slander to do it.

Everyone would do well to remember that the number one enemy of anti gunners and the focus of all their backhanded, slanderous, media driven hatchet job on the 2A is the NRA. No other group has the kinda political clout the NRA had. And if it wasn’t for the NRA not one single person here outside of LEOs would have the ability to legally carry a firearm for self defense.
I agree Bob, especially with your last paragraph.