
Welcome Message

Thanks for the invitation. I'm retired military and about ready to retire from the Veterans Administration. I enjoy all kinds of shooting. I live in the state of Washington. I'm new to Springfield Arms. Within the last 2 or 3 months I have purchased a Saint Victor in 5.56 and a Saint Victor Pistol in 5.56


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Thrilled to be a member of this group. Especially since Springfield Armory makes and markets outstanding weapons. I, like many of you researched weapons, read reviews and tried out various gun manufacturers before buying your Springfield.
I had my particular specifications, needs and fit concerns and issue. Springfield meet these.
Now I am looking forward to having a HELLCAT, as my Every Day Carry.
Hey all, just came over from xdtalk myself. The only XD in my safe right now is an original XDS .45. I mostly carry the M&P 2.0 line, but always enjoyed XDTalk (“back in the day”). Glad to find another forum, I’ll add more XD’s eventually!
Hey gang! Just discovered this forum a few days ago and decided to dive in! I have a few Springfields but am looking to learn more about them. Looks like a great place to do it. I also noticed there's a lot of talk about other types of guns, which I think is really good. BTW, how do you get one of those "Founding Member" titles? Did I miss my chance?
Thanks KLGunner! This is a rifle I have wanted and even HAD on layaway before I was married. Went to the Philippines and got married. by the time I went back to the gunshop, they had sold it. I don't blame them, It was a very long time between visits, Entirely my fault. They gave me back my 350 buck and apologized. That was 26 years ago.