
Welcome Message

I would like to take a second to welcome everybody to an exciting new forum.​
I especially appreciate those first members that are taking a chance to join us on this journey to build a great community. On behalf of the moderators, I want everyone to know that we are here for you and we will be active on the forum. We encourage everyone’s participation and we want to create great conversations. At the same time everyone should be mindful that not everyone will be in agreement all the time. So we ask for everyone to not be a jerk just for the sake of being mean. We should all act like Fonzie, ”and what’s Fonzie like?.......Cool.“

Take a second and introduce yourself.

Oh and don’t be a jerk, posting things that are illegal......that’s not cool.

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Yes I know Christmas is over, but this is the latest photo that I use in all the dating apps.
Howdy y’all,
I’m just an Old Retired knuckle dragging Grunt (1979 to 2008). Glad to be here.