
What are you doing right now??

some of them still in the boardrooms it seems
My Buick was made in Korea and the engine comes from Mexico. It's like a crazy mixed up kid! Have had no issues with it but nothing now is made to last.
yeah, my GEO Prizm was just a rebranded Corolla...it had a USA engine, and a Japanese transaxle...really a super little gas sipper...however, if i had the a/c on, that, and the power steering, and the alternator running, if i needed to pass another car on the highway..??

it could not get out of it's own way.

my current corolla, has more balls than the older models ever did....made here in Kentucky, with Japanese driver train.

and true, nothing lasts forever...
Got flu and covid shots yesterday. It's not even 2am and it seems i'm up for the day. Did I ever tell you I think I have a sleeping issue.
welcome to the anti-sleepers society.

being a former worker of the night/graveyard shift driving up and down the super slab, screwed me up for life.

this is why naps are an all too real part of my life.

flu shot done, still waiting on the covid vax to get to my pharmacy
Sitting in the parking lot at the plant. Got here early, but I would rather that than be running late. Traffic down to 45mph and light. Had to straddle the rumble strips so as not to knock down orange barrels. Semis were having a devil on a time with that as they didn’t give us much room. Fun times!!
Well, off to the salt mines…y’all have a good one!😊😎
Coffee and then back over to the parent's to do some more work cleaning out the basement. On the bright side I will be bringing home all my shotgun reloaders and related equipment as well as all my dad's handgun/rifle reloading equipment. And I now have room out in the shop for it all. I guess I'll have to do a bunch of research and try to remember how to use the handgun/rifle reloading stuff.
i just cancelled that job interview for the cleaning company..

reason why..??
well, you drive your car to thier location

load up thier vehicle with fresh supplies

drive to job site.

unload the supplies/equipment, vac, vacuum, mop, bucket, brooms, cleaning fluids.

clean the building.

reload all that shite back into the company vehicle

go back to the company location.

get into your car

drive home.
every place when i used to do this work..has a janitors/custodial closet, where...guess what...ALL the supplies and equipment are kept in.

the pay offer is good, but i am the type of person that just wants to get to the building, do the job, GO HOME.

sans trucking, where loading/unloading was/is done every night...........

but i ain't that young anymore, to "F" around with that shite.

so the job search continues.
Got flu and covid shots yesterday. It's not even 2am and it seems i'm up for the day. Did I ever tell you I think I have a sleeping issue.
I can’t get any vaccines right now due to the Keytruda treatment I am on, my immune system right now is on overdrive, especially no Covid my oncologist said, which I wouldn’t get cause I just don’t believe in them, really miss my flu shot though, never missed one in over 15 years now