
What are you doing right now??

Just finished cleaning and registering the Mod 3. Will get to the gravel pit someday this week.
The wife and I drove our ballots to the recorder yesterday. Don't forget, vote for your pocketbook and guns if nothing else.
yeah, we can do early voting here as well, but it is located in City Hall, and parking ain't free, nor is a bus ride downtown, and it's getting "too cold" for me and the wife to be walking or standing at the bus stops. .

if i can get someone to take us down there, then it'll happen...right now, everyone is working, and after work traffic in the city is horrendous.

then too, if someone drops us off to vote, then that person will have to drive around and around, for God only knows when, till we call them to pick us up...

a BS set up in my opinion. ...the Board of Canvassers used to have polling as well.

i got LOTS of Dumbocrats i am voting out........but this being a highly Dumbocratic region, i don't think it'll do much