I'll never forget the time my other dog, Aunt Bee, got out of her kennel and woke me up with a cold nose to my bare back! My wife laughed for a half hour straight about my screams from being woken that way. Poor Aunt Bee thought she was in big trouble from my screams! lol But for the most part they are great dogs and 99% of the time can make it all night long without having to go out.I put a new puppy in a big cardboard box at night to confine him and let him out when he got up in the middle of the night. At one point he learned there was no bottom and would jail break at odd times by tipping it over. We then contained him at the side of the bed. No messes since he woke me up when his bladder was full. We introduced him to a dog door and it was comical to see him high sided at the door with back legs paddling the air. Our latest puppy was crate trained like more normal people do. She learned quickly about the dog door and only peed in the house during the day when we should have taken her out more frequently. That was in the initial week thank goodness.