
What are you doing right now??

that looks real big and real heavy. what is it?
Warmed up a bit this afternoon and just grabbed a gun and headed across the street. may do it again tomorrow too. my bore sighting job was dead on. at 25 yards this thing was punchin one hole. derned if i didn't feel like @KillerFord1977 and @SimonRL . well ok, back to reality. :( i had this mag in it and it was acting up, looked at the bottom and it said pro mag, well crap didn't even think i even had a glock pro mag. so i put in a real glock mag and bingo. started working.

So after punching holes i thought, wait you stupid arkysaw hillbilly, this has a binary in it. well duh, i looked and danged if it didn't. ok i put it in there. so.. yeah we be kinda lamed brained. so i flipped it over to there and discovered it i could actually control it better letting off the trigger. now this is doing it slowly.

Welp, Pfffttt! heck with that. i started to see what it would fast firing. kinds hard to control trying to hold yer finger in the right spot. but target on right is lettin er rip.

Things getting back to normal after the Great Florida Blizzard of 2025. Temps will approach 80 this week-that's almost a 70 degree shift. Maybe I will get to the range this week. I have 3 different weights of coats hanging on my barstools. Granddaughter transport duty today then into the shop for sanding and more sanding and more sanding on the cabinet project. Hope to do some finishing by the weekend.
got my DW Heritage set for the range and my ccw renewal practice this morning..outside temps are in the 30's with "expected" snow squalls popping up anywhere they please, around the time i have to be on the road.

then when i get back and finish cleaning the gun, the wife wants to change out another couple of rooms of curtains and drapes..........

i simply cannot wait till spring, and carpet cleaning duty.........oh joy.

Top of the morning to all. I've got a haircut appointment before my gig today. Gotta look good for the old folks. ;) My performance will have a beach party theme. After all, the temps will be above freezing today. :LOL:

Thank you for your indulgence,
