update to my posting # 8845
that guy called me so many times, it just sucks..his voice was the same, but yet, each time he called, it would be a different number and area code...??
well, after i posted the above, i was helping the wife fold the sheets....then took my nap.
the phone rang at least 3 more different times..this was a wee bit after 1PM
on the 3rd cal, i answered..
he asked if i was XXXX, and i said who is calling...he did not give his name, like many times before.
i told him, "look i know your game, and i had already called all 3 credit bureaus and put a freeze on my credit, i am on to you, and i got ALL the numbers YOU USED to call me, now F -OFF....."
phone has been silent since just after 1 PM......
now if the guy was legit, why all the different area codes and phone numbers????
i dunno, but thanks to my state's vendor that handles all sorts of state programs, that got hacked and blackmailed, we all (about 800, 000 of us) have to deal with this shite, and my DUMBASS GOOBENER re-signed another contract with those fools...???
well sure of course, our Goobener is as much a fool too......
Officials in Rhode Island say cybercriminals who hacked the state's system for health and benefits programs have released at least some of the files to a site on the dark web.