
What are you doing right now??

Well, I may live after all. Still real cautious about solid food. At least it heads south now instead of north. My sleep cycle is way off and I'm pretty weak, but the headache and body pain is gone. No range for me today, obviously. Have to work at moving around the house without becoming exhausted.
I'm supposed to take my ride into Fargo for an oil change and tire rotation, but with the weather coming in tonight, that may not happen..
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Hope you feel better soon Belle.
Well, I may live after all. Still real cautious about solid food. At least it heads south now instead of north. My sleep cycle is way off and I'm pretty weak, but the headache and body pain is gone. No range for me today, obviously. Have to work at moving around the house without becoming exhausted.
I'm supposed to take my ride into Fargo for an oil change and tire rotation, but with the weather coming in tonight, that may not happen..
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Hope you feel well soon, when my wife has that intestinal flu, she manages to eat bananas and rice, it seems to stay down for her
Watching neighborhood property blow down the street in sustained 35 mph winds gusting to 50+. Supposed to get worse before afternoon over. Been forecast for two days, but I guess a lot of folks wanted to set up trash can searches for the weekend (around here they seem to be incapable of bringing can up to house or yard after trash pick up).

And most must think their stuff is too heavy to blow away no matter the wind speed/gusts, so not much securing or putting into back yard.

Glad wind is almost directly out of West (for now)…pretty much hides my house and roof in the middle of the row, allowing about 10 houses to act as a windbreak. Street runs precisely East/West, with all houses aligned and parallel to the street.

I COULD do without the dust though!
Our winds switched up and it's supposed to hit 67 by late afternoon. Then it's supposed to tank to 20 over night with that mess coming in. We could get anywhere between 2 and 12 inches of the wonderful white stuff that Mother Nature will shift around for miles, so who really knows? Typical March here.. :rolleyes:
Hmmm…I think I’ll keep my predicted low of 52 tonight 😃. Based on extended forecasts, it’s time for me to start figuring out what mosquito battling greenery I want to plant/grow this year around the house entrances and backyard.