
What are you doing right now??

Also helps to have a Living Trust, not just a will... FYI.
Benefits to a trust:

  • Avoid probate court and keep your affairs private
  • Nominate child and/or pet guardians
  • Decide who will handle your affairs
  • Leave specific gifts (money, possessions, property, etc.)
  • Determine how your assets will be distributed
  • Exclude individuals from receiving your property
  • Specify your final arrangements
  • Note any special requests
  • Decide what should happen in a medical emergency
  • Designate health care agents
  • Grant trusted individuals access to your medical records
  • Add conditions to asset distributions
Good info.
Good info.
Thanks. My sister handled my dad's stuff when he passed because they lived in NW Indiana and I was a couple hundred miles away in E Central Indiana and I couldn't take time off from work. My dad was a cop and the family (including my stepbro) followed suit. Public safety professionals across the criminal justice spectrum don't set their own hours, period. My mom still lived in NW Indiana too, and when her cancer returned and couldn't be stopped, she had a couple of longtime friends from church handle the legal and the financial, etc. It helps when you have lawyers & CPA's as friends. All the stuff I needed to sign off on as sole heir I could do by mail, and since I have pretty much all of my family's records going back 3 generations I can just copypasta what I have to draw up to make my own arrangements. The best part is the annuities that passed to me are enough to pay for ammo, even at post-2019 prices.
Just scrolling through here before I go to bed. Looks like we are finally having the siding on the house replaced. It has been nearly 2 years since that hail storm. Just about dropped State Farm because of the BS, but finally they agreed to pay for the whole house. The contractor couldn't find siding in the color we had, nobody could match it and SF kept on stonewalling. Anyway, the contractor's trailer was in the driveway when I got home.
OOF, drop them. They're very happy to hose their policy holders. I was an outside lawyer for State Farm for a minute before I left that firm. I got REALLY tired of f'ing homeowners over, though State Farm pays people well to do it. The day I made a woman cry in court by doing my job was my breaking point with that outfit.
OOF, drop them. They're very happy to hose their policy holders. I was an outside lawyer for State Farm for a minute before I left that firm. I got REALLY tired of f'ing homeowners over, though State Farm pays people well to do it. The day I made a woman cry in court by doing my job was my breaking point with that outfit.
I’ve been with State Farm for 35 yrs.
Never had an issue with a claim. Ever. Knock on wood.
Tried about every 5 yrs in the last 15 to switch for better rates and no one could offer a better bundled rate. Guess longevity with SF.
Neighbor and friend is an Allstate agent and he’s tried for 5 yrs to get my biz. He cannot even get close to my SF rate. Which is high, but I’ve tried 7 companies in the last 12 months and no one can match. They are in disbelief.
So SF I stay.
I’ve been with State Farm for 35 yrs.
Never had an issue with a claim. Ever. Knock on wood.
Tried about every 5 yrs in the last 15 to switch for better rates and no one could offer a better bundled rate. Guess longevity with SF.
Neighbor and friend is an Allstate agent and he’s tried for 5 yrs to get my biz. He cannot even get close to my SF rate. Which is high, but I’ve tried 7 companies in the last 12 months and no one can match. They are in disbelief.
So SF I stay.
I've been a lifelong SF customer since I started driving. Never had them for a home policy, but they've been absolutely da boss on their auto & renters. I've only had 3 collisions in my life, all were the other driver's fault, and in 2 instances the other driver was also insured by SF. Never had an issue with them! I also cannot find another insurer that can even come close to SF's rates, especially when SF gives me discounts on multiple vehicles, married, over 25 / under 70, collision-free for more than 15 years now, etc. Thankful that they've been so good to me...
I've been a lifelong SF customer since I started driving. Never had them for a home policy, but they've been absolutely da boss on their auto & renters. I've only had 3 collisions in my life, all were the other driver's fault, and in 2 instances the other driver was also insured by SF. Never had an issue with them! I also cannot find another insurer that can even come close to SF's rates, especially when SF gives me discounts on multiple vehicles, married, over 25 / under 70, collision-free for more than 15 years now, etc. Thankful that they've been so good to me...
Yes sir.
I’ve been around to see 2 of my agents retire. Guess they made a ton of money on me 😝😳😞
Current agent basically said, “damn, you got track history with SF”. Dad had them and I got them as well at 18yrs old.
I’ve been with State Farm for 35 yrs.
Never had an issue with a claim. Ever. Knock on wood.
Tried about every 5 yrs in the last 15 to switch for better rates and no one could offer a better bundled rate. Guess longevity with SF.
Neighbor and friend is an Allstate agent and he’s tried for 5 yrs to get my biz. He cannot even get close to my SF rate. Which is high, but I’ve tried 7 companies in the last 12 months and no one can match. They are in disbelief.
So SF I stay.
Your choice.
Welp, the Radical 308 came back from the mothership in Texas yesterday, they said the 5 round magpul mag would not work so they sent one of their mags. E lander mag. never heard of it. but the gunsmith took it out and it wouldn't feed one round after the first shot on any mag so off it goes back again.
I bought 2 radical AR “kits” as builds and they were not very good quality