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i just did a quick search on that Armscor ammo, and this from 2018

#6 · Jun 18, 2022
I`m not a fan of ANY armscore ammo. I`ve tried them all. Armscore is filthy dirty, its nowhere near accurate in any gun i own. I`ve also had a couple of the 22Mag armscore blow apart during firing in the past (and yes, the chamber, barrel are always properly cleaned). Even if armscore is the last 22Mag ammo on earth, they can keep it."
I usually don't buy Armscor ammo, this was an older box i wanted to get rid off, but i can't really blame the ammo. you can see where the firing pin hit the edge of the cartridge. it fired two rounds in one trigger pull. it slam fired it like a open bolt SMG, except it wasnt seated in the chamber. i'm calling gun problem.
I usually don't buy Armscor ammo, this was an older box i wanted to get rid off, but i can't really blame the ammo. you can see where the firing pin hit the edge of the cartridge. it fired two rounds in one trigger pull. it slam fired it like a open bolt SMG, except it wasnt seated in the chamber. i'm calling gun problem.
rid off…..😬😬
Now for this junk, i had to drift the sight over and got it hitting center and shot about two rounds and it went full auto for two rounds. the second went off out of battery. you can see the firing pin clearly hit the edge. blew my hand off the grip almost and something hit me in the safety glasses. kinda messed them up.

Damn Belt Fed, this could have been real bad, glad you're ok.
Been a long time since one blew chunks in my face, last one i remember was many years ago and it was an MG42 belt fed runnin about 1200 rounds per minute. those have a QD change barrel and it blew the barrel and handguard completely away from the gun. i did not have safety glasses on then. nothing bad hit me in the face. mainly unburned powder. it did not hurt the gun though. i don't know about this 22 mag. i never took it apart. took it straight to the gun shop.