
What currently manufactured gun would you like to see discontinued?

None, just because I may not like them does not mean others don't. Amd certainly would not like to see any manufacturer lose money on failed product, unless its actually dangerous.

Besides most of the really dangerously crap guns I can think about are already gone.
This. Many of you don't like inexpensive (cheap) guns. But they do serve a valid purpose. Poor folks often live in crime ridden areas. They can't afford a top quality gun, but they need something for self/home defense. Cheap guns work for them.

OTOH if I just had to pick one, Glock. :LOL:
Many used guns are inexpensive and function more reliably and better than a piece of 💩 new. If you are that hard up, buy a used gun.
Poor folks in crime ridden areas dont have the disposable income for range days either, …. I could go on and on and on about it, but you get the point
Although, ...if I were going to actually pick just one. It would be the Ruger Security-9 (full size and compact). If you're going to make something that big and hammer fired then make it DA/SA. People get their hopes up that maybe, just maybe you (Ruger) will reintroduce the P-series since obviously Smith won't touch their 3rd gen ever again making it possible to get a decent and affordable DA/SA that doesn't suck or start with CZ.