
What do you currently use for EDC

What do you currently use for your EDC gun, right now I use a S&W M&P Shield in 9mm, mine is the original version, not the 2.0.
I carry the S&W M&P9 2.0 Subcompact with Trijicon Bright & Tough Night Sights. I always carry IWB. I switch between the 12 round mag and 15 round mag depending on the clothing I am wearing to avoid printing. Before the S&W, I had the SA XD-S MOD.2 in 9mm, which I like a lot.
Currently I have 3 firearms in my EDC rotation. G27 Gen4, G23 Gen4 (I'm very much a fan of .40 S&W) and a G43 which is 9mm. I intend to switch the G43 out and go with a Hellcat OSP
I carried a gen 1 Glock 23 with 15 rnd mags in it for about 18 years, and a Horizontal magholder , then fell in love with the wife’s Glock 43, almost bought myself a 43x but went with a Hellcat osp instead, love it, now I need a horizontal magholder for my hellcat spare mag
Depends on my mood of the week-some weeks it's a Kimber Super Carry Pro in .45ACP-other weeks it's a Springfield EMP3 in .40S&W-the Kimber loaded is actually lighter than my EMP with an inch less barrel and a half inch less grip and is still heavier.
Right now it’s my XD45 M2, but normally it‘s my XDE 9 or one of my Kahr PM9s. Was carrying my New SA 911 9mm for a while, but after finding the safety somehow clicked of twice while on my belt, it has been retired to the safe and replaced by the new XD45.
Right now it’s my XD45 M2, but normally it‘s my XDE 9 or one of my Kahr PM9s. Was carrying my New SA 911 9mm for a while, but after finding the safety somehow clicked of twice while on my belt, it has been retired to the safe and replaced by the new XD45.
Get a better holster, one that's been boned for the safety.

Also, if it's an ambi safety...that’s probably how it got knocked off.
Get a better holster, one that's been boned for the safety.

Also, if it's an ambi safety...that’s probably how it got knocked off.
I hear ya, and yes it is a AMBI safety which I really didn’t like when I bought it. With that happening twice and knowing I already spent $65 on a excellent IWB kydex holster for it translates into a failure x2 and not something I am willing to throw money at. I collect SA firearms so it’s just part of the collection that is not in my carry rotation.
S&W M&P Shield .45ACP with TruGlo fiber optic sights. I think it's going to end up being my favorite CCW since I started carrying in 1999. Just not much negative about it. Now that I've gotten over my phobia of carrying one in the chamber, having 8 rounds of .45ACP ready to go with an extra mag is very comforting.


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S&W M&P Shield .45ACP with TruGlo fiber optic sights. I think it's going to end up being my favorite CCW since I started carrying in 1999. Just not much negative about it. Now that I've gotten over my phobia of carrying one in the chamber, having 8 rounds of .45ACP ready to go with an extra mag is very comforting.
I carry a P.C. Shield 9mm M1....I have been curious about the 45 version ...I can see you really like it...how is the recoil? Thanks much
I carry a P.C. Shield 9mm M1....I have been curious about the 45 version ...I can see you really like it...how is the recoil? Thanks much
Very manageable. I've shot it a BUNCH over the last few years. The recoil is there, but the Shield, I don't know, the ergonomics of the Shield or maybe how the slide is made, something about the crafting of the Shield 45 makes the recoil very manageable for a 3.3 inch barrel handgun. My wife carries the Shield 9mm and she won't give it up for anything, says it's the best feeling, most accurate handgun she's ever used. The Shield 9mm is too short for my large hands but the 45 Shield with the 7 round extended mag fits perfectly in my hand. At 7 yards, I can just about cut the center of out of a silhouette target with 230 grain ball or JHP. I've bought a lot of handguns over the years, I would NOT part with this one for anything, I would like to get the 2.0 performance center version at some point.
Glock 43x with flush mount 15 rd Shieldarms mag
XDM 3.8 9mm when I am dressed heavier

I used to carry the XDS Mod 2 until I found the G43x. Once I realized that the G43x has twice the capacity, I sold the XDS and bot(sic) the G43x
Glock 43x with flush mount 15 rd Shieldarms mag
XDM 3.8 9mm when I am dressed heavier

I used to carry the XDS Mod 2 until I found the G43x. Once I realized that the G43x has twice the capacity, I sold the XDS and bot(sic) the G43x
Is that the 20-round XDM 3.8 you've got sir? That one is on my short list for possible purchase and I was wondering how it conceals? I know the handle is a bit long but overall the handgun doesn't look that big but it's hard to judge from Youtube videos. Just curious of a personal take on its concealment practicality. Thanks for any info.